
Step 1
Focus your mind
Step 2
Observe A
Step 3
Observe B
Step 4
Compare A & B
Step 5
Input Reading
Step 6
Check Reading

The purpose of this experiment is to test your sixth sense. The following are the instructions to carry
out this experiment.

Step 1: Focus the mind

Try to concentrate your mind before beginning the experiment. You can achieve this by either

  • 1. Closing your eyes and concentrating on the flow of your breath for a few minutes

  • 2. Focusing on chanting the Name of God as per your religion or a prayer

Do this for about 2-3 minutes.

2 мишљења на „kvadrati

    1. Dragi Đorđe,

      vaš komentar nam je stigao tek sada, verovatno zbog tehničkih poteškoća. Molimo vas da nam pišete ili preko chat-a uživo koji možete videti na bilo kojoj našoj stranici ili na email [email protected].

      Tamo vam možemo odgovoriti i posavetovati jer rešenje postoji, ne brinite.

      Svako dobro,
      SSRF tragaoci

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