In Spirituality, words have only 2% importance while 98% importance lies in getting the experience of those words.
Just as we increase our levels of fitness by steadily increasing our exercise regime, the same is true in spiritual practice.
Rapid spiritual progress can be achieved when we do spiritual practice according to the basic principles of Spirituality.
There are as many paths to God as there are people
Going from many to one
Just as in any field of expertise, we also need to listen to an authority in the field of Spirituality if we want to progress…
Doing spiritual practice relevant to the times
If we use spiritual energy gained through spiritual practice, for example in the form of prayer, to get worldly benefits then the spiritual energy gets…
Spiritual experiences help us to generate faith in our intellectual understanding of the science of Spirituality.
Benefits of spiritual practice There are several benefits in commencing spiritual practice and being persistent with it. In fact one will be able to perceive…