30 years of severe anxiety attacks and depression were reduced within one year and overcome through simple spiritual practice – a case study.
This article describes the positive healing effect that regular chanting of specific Names of God have on a person’s state of health and well-being
Overcoming depression caused due to a paranoid personality disorder / paranoid (delusional) disorder
Learn how Raul overcame depression caused by a suspicious nature due to paranoid personality disorder.
Yaduveer would wake up 8-10 times every night due to suffering from insomnia.
When doctors told Sameer they could not cure him, chanting and spiritual remedies cured his eczema.
This is a case study about sudden severe swelling that did not respond to drugs but reduced when in touch with a Saints picture.
This case study shows how migraine was overcome by implementing regular spiritual practice in one seeker’s life.
SSRF advises continuation of conventional medical treatment along with spiritual healing remedies for the treatment of physical and psychiatric illnesses. Readers are advised to take up…
Have you ever woken up to find that you are not able to move? What is the real reason why some people experience paralytic attacks…
David is an entrepreneur with a finance background who lives in Sydney, Australia. In this case study (which has been documented in Jul 2013), David…