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Handshakes – spiritual perspective

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1. Introduction

A handshake is a short ritual in which two persons grasp each other’s right hand, often accompanied by a brief up and down movement of the grasped hands. For centuries upon meeting, the handshake has been used as a symbol of greeting, parting, offering congratulations, expressing gratitude, or completing an agreement. In sports or other competitive activities, it is also done as a sign of good sportsmanship. Its purpose generally conveys trust, good faith, and equality.

However on conducting spiritual research into this ritual, we uncovered a different story and it shed light on the spiritual consequences of the handshake.

2. Background articles to understanding the spiritual perspective on a handshake

To understand this article please refer to – A spiritual perspective on greeting.

It explains how subtle energy transfer can take place with greetings that include the aspect of touch. It also explains how the spiritual state of a person i.e., whether they are possessed or affected by negative energies can influence another person when they greet them.

We also recommend reading ā€˜A guide to sāttvik livingā€™ and ā€˜Sattva, Raja, Tama – the 3 subtle basic components of the Universeā€™.

3. Spiritual perspective on a handshake

3.1 Handshake and transfer of negative energy

Subtle picture of a handshake

The act of a handshake makes us more prone to an attack by negative energy existing in the other individual and it also provides a means for the negative energy in the other individual to enter into us. In fact, this type of greeting with contact makes us twice as vulnerable to an attack by negative energies in the other person as opposed to a greeting without contact. The drawing based on subtle-knowledge below drawn by a subtle-artist shows the play of subtle-energies when two average people who are affected by negative energies lock hands in a handshake.

Refer to article – What percentage of the worldā€™s population is affected by negative energies?

When the two people’s hands are locked into each other, the RajaTama vibrations emitted from their hands get accumulated in the space/cavity created between their palms. There is an increased subtle-friction in the region and the RajaTama energy generated enters each person’s body through their palms. The exchange of energy also spills over into the immediate vicinity adding to the subtle Tama component in the environment.In greetings that involve touch there is generally a creation of a ring of subtle Alluring (Mohini) energy. Alluring energy is a type of negative energy which comes in the garb of very pleasurable vibrations but is in fact detrimental to the people associated with it.
While an average person, due to minimal sixth sense ability will,in most cases, not be able to experience this exchange of intangible black energy, the increase in the Tama component can create various ill-effects, such as- fogging up of the intellect, irritating thoughts, heaviness in the head, nausea, etc.

One may be tempted to think, “Can it really be that bad to shake another person’s hand?”Ā  Our research has shown that without regular spiritual practice of higher levels, the effect of being in constant contact with a person who is possessed is very detrimental. It is the same as being in touch with a person who has a contagious disease, only the effect due to possession may be even more insidious and widespread in a person’s life. Over time, as people continue to get covered with higher proportions of black energy, they become less sensitive to perceiving this exchange of black energy.

DevangGadoya.jpgSSRF has conducted a number of experiments using biofeedback machines where we have documented the effect of being touched by a person possessed by negative energies versus a seeker or a Saint. We will be sharing these experiments with you under the soon to be published section – Spiritual perspective on communication.

3.2 Handshake and the rise in ego

There are many articles published on the psychology behind the handshake, from how we should provide a firm handshake, to how many times we should pump the hand of the person with whom we are shaking hands.

From a spiritual perspective, the handshake generally enhances a person’s ego. This is because, more often than not, the handshake enhances one’s identification with oneā€™s 5 senses, mind and intellect as opposed to disassociating oneself from them. The continued identification with the five senses, mind and intellect is an impediment to spiritual growth, not to mention the additional subtle Tama component due to the handshake.

In short, there is no spiritual benefit to greeting another person with a handshake.

4. What can we do about the spiritual ill-effects of a handshake?

  • Ideally it is best to refrain from using the handshake as a form of greeting. The Indian ā€˜namaskār‘ as a means of greeting is the best alternative from a spiritual perspective.
  • Practically however, since the handshake is so widely used it may be difficult not to shake a person’s hand, especially if they extend their hand in greeting or in friendship. The average person cannot understand if the person being greeted with a handshake is possessed or for that matter whether they themselves are possessed or affected. In this case there are a few things at a spiritual level that one can do to minimise the spiritual ill-effects of a handshake.
    • Chanting the Name of God on a regular basis helps to provide a protective spiritual sheath around us and hence one is less prone to negative energy attacks.
    • Saying a prayer before a handshake. The prayer can be along the lines of, “Lord, please insulate both the other person and me from any negative energy attacks as a result of this handshake and let my spiritual practice not be affected.”

All customs and traditions (from a simple handshake, to festivals such as Halloween to the custom of burying the dead) which help to increase the subtle Tama component in society are at its root level, started by higher level negative energies. By putting the thought in some person’s mind, a custom is born and then endorsed and adopted by others. By having a higher proportion of ā€˜subtleĀ Tama-component’ creating traditions, the world becomes an easier place for negative energies to exert their control over mankind. Over time these traditions become a part and parcel of our lives and the accepted norm. Ironically then, the more sattvik custom is generally ignored or at times even looked down upon. By increasing our spiritual practice and our subtle-ability, one is better able to perceive the TamaĀ component in various customs and traditions and therefore, better able take efforts to refrain from them.


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