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Alternative therapies – Limitations

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1. Introduction

In this article we will compare the various alternative therapies at the level of their limitations. In the earlier articles in this series we have compared the therapies across various parameters and their ability as healing aids. Understanding their limitations will give us better insight when selecting a specific alternative therapy. Again we are not restricting our study of limitations merely to the ability of the alternative therapy to heal or otherwise. We will investigate the specific point of limitation for the benefit of our readers.


2. Allopathy


The limitation of Allopathic treatment is that our body resistance is reduced and fatigue is experienced after therapy. The reason behind why this happens is explained in the next article in this series that describes the risks involved in each alternative therapy.



3. Yunani (Unani) medicine

Yunani (Unani)

We have seen that the outcome of this alternative therapy is influenced by the mental state of the person. As most people are under the influence of their emotions, the cure rate of Yunani therapy is low.



4. Acupressure


The efficacy of Acupressure therapy depends upon other factors, largely on the skill of the therapist in locating the exact acupressure points. The acupressure points are not physical (anatomical) landmarks. Hence finding them is a function of the skill, experience and, to some extent, the intuitive ability of the therapist. This being the case, there is a limitation to the illness being overcome, as it is difficult to find the specific acupressure points.



5. Mudra


In the article in this series comparing the outcome of the therapies, we have seen that mudrā therapy increases the power of the body cells to throw out subtle black energy in the diseased body part. This subtle black energy thrown out from the affected body part is charged with frequencies of the person. Ghosts in the surrounding atmosphere can use this subtle black energy as a medium to affect or possess the person. Thus there is higher possibility of attack by ghosts.



6. Homeopathy


In an earlier article in this series, comparing the various alternative therapies at the level of their function, we have seen that Homeopathy functions by generating chētanā in the body cells. Chetana is that aspect of the Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) that governs the functioning of the body and mind). Even though chetana is generated in the cells, there are fluctuations in the effect of this alternative therapy as per the fluctuations of thoughts in the patient. However as this alternative therapy acts on the subtle-body, the influence of the thoughts is not much, e.g. like in the case of Yunani medicine. However a limitation is that there is a possibility of depletion of chetana if there is frequent excitation of emotions.


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7. Ayurveda


We have seen that this alternative therapy functions at the highest level by generating Divine consciousness in the spaces in the cells. However as Āyurvēda functions at a spiritual level, its functioning depends on the spiritual emotion (bhāvof the patient. Those who do not understand the entire scope of Ayurveda and are hence lacking in spiritual emotion for it derive lesser benefit. One of the reasons why many people do not experience full cures from this excellent alternative therapy is their limitation in experiencing spiritual emotion for it.
Another limitation is that the generation of Divine consciousness is negatively impacted if the patient is affected by ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc). Spiritual research by SSRF has shown that 90% of the world’s population is affected by ghosts at some time or the other in their lives. This is one of the reasons many people do not get quick and/or complete cures with Ayurveda. Along with this, as most people are predominantly Raja-Tama, they find faster results with Allopathy, though they are short lived.


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