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How to dress? – The sari and the skirt

How to dress? - The sari and the skirt

To understand this article we suggest you familiarise yourself with the following foundation articles:

  • What are Sattva, Raja and Tama? The three subtle basic components of Sattva, Raja and Tama are the very fabric of creation. Unknown to modern sciences, they permeate all living and non-living, tangible and intangible things. The vibrations emitted by anything are dependent on the predominant subtle basic component. They also influence the behaviour of all things. The proportion of these components in human beings can only be changed by spiritual practice.

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1. Introduction to how to dress ā€“ a spiritual perspective

For most of us, choosing what to wear generally depends on the prevailing fashion trend, personal style, comfort, the occasion and price. But did you know that what we wear can also affect us at a spiritual level? As this is a little known fact, it is generally never the reason why we choose something to wear.

Chakrās: Chakrās are subtle energy centres in the KunįøalinÄ« system associated with the subtle body of a person. They lie along the spine and are aligned with a subtle central channel known as the SushumnānāįøÄ«, that is, the central channel of the KunįøalinÄ« system.


There are seven main KunįøalinÄ« chakras and they provide subtle energy to the functions of the body organs, mind and intellect.

However, the fact is that everythingĀ  including clothes emits a unique spiritual vibration which is a combination of the subtle-components of Sattva, Raja and Tama. The spiritual vibrations of clothes depend on factors such as the type of cloth, shape, colour, design, stitching of the cloth, fit, etc. As we wear a set of clothes throughout the day, the vibrations they emit influence our spiritual state which in turn can affect us at physical, psychological and/or intellectual levels. When negatively affected, the gross manifestations of this could include lethargy, lack of clarity of thought, a disturbed mind and an increase in personality defects. Due to a lack of subtle-ability, the average person would never associate these negative feelings with the type of clothes he wears.

Through spiritual research we found that from all the various styles of clothes worldwide worn by women, the 9-yard sārĢ£Ä«Ā is the most sattvik or spiritually beneficial (followed closely by the 6-yard sari). The main reason for this is that the 9-yard sari is not stitched and also because of the way it is draped. On the other hand, a skirt emits more RajaTama vibrations.

In this article we illustrate our findings and the effect that a skirt and a 6-yard sari have on our chakras depending on our spiritual state i.e. whether we are affected by negative energies (ghosts, devils, demons,etc.)Ā or not.

2. About the experiment


  • The experiment was conducted in February 2009.
  • The four female subjects who participated in the experiment were seekers doing regular spiritual practice and were between ages of 29 to 55 years. Of the subjects, three were possessed by negative energies and one was considered spiritually positive i.e. not affected by negative energies. We determined the state of these seekers by taking a reading using advanced sixth sense.
  • The experiment was carried out using the DDFAO which is an instrument that uses the electrosomatographic technique. The DDFAO measures fluctuations in the electrical activity of a personā€™s body when served with a stimulus. It then interprets the results to show the effect on a personā€™s chakras.
  • The procedure of this experiment was slightly different from that described in our introductory article. This is because in experiments such as the food and drink, the subject is exposed to the stimulus first-hand during the experiment, i.e. they are not consuming either a particular type of food or drink during the experiment. However, during the dress experiments, the subject is always wearing something and then they are exposed to a certain type of dress stimulus.
  • In the chart below we have shown how the experiment progressed.




Picture of a sari



Step 1: Finding the baseline while wearing a skirt

We first asked all the seekers participating in this experiment to dress in a skirt and top. Then we recorded their baseline readings corresponding to their Kundalini chakras by scanning using the DDFAO equipment. We then asked each of them to wear a sari.

Step 2: Finding the effect of a sari

After 3-4 hours of the subject wearing a sari, we took another reading and found a sizeable fluctuation in the reading.

Step 3: Reaching a plateau with regard to the effect of the sari

We continued to take readings to ensure that the effect of the sari had plateaued. Once the plateau effect had been observed, we asked the subject to change back into her skirt and top

Step 4: Readings begin to go back towards the original

As we continued to take scans, we see that the readings begin to go back to the baseline.

Step 5: End of the experiment

Once the readings reached somewhere near the baseline reading, we brought the experiment to an end.

2.1 Example of experiment conducted to see the effect of wearing a sari and a skirt

Let us look at an example of Subject 3ā€™s readings to better understand the above-mentioned procedure. Please click the play button on the slideshow below. As you progress through the slides you will see the change in chakra readings as the experiment progresses.

The important thing to note here is the sizeable fluctuation in readings recorded by the DDFAO. It goes to show that attire we choose to wear can have an immediate and noticeable effect on our chakras and therefore our well-being.


2.2 Collated observations from the experiment

In our experiments using the electrosomatographic scanning technique, we have observed that the chakras work in two groups. The top four chakras generally react to stimuli in the same way, while the bottom three react as their own group. Hence we collated and grouped the results of the experiment by the upper four and lower three chakras.

In the table below, we show the effect of wearing a sari and skirt on the two groups of chakras.


In this chart, we show the duration of effect of the stimuli. The pink area shows how long the chakras of each of the subjects took to achieve the plateau effect when wearing a sari. The grey area shows how long the chakras of subjects took to reach their original baseline state while wearing a skirt.


2.3 Analysis of the results

Analysing the result of a spiritual experiment is very different than an average experiment using modern science. In order to analyse the results of an experiment which is of a spiritual nature, it is important to understand the influences at a spiritual level. This can only be done using advanced sixth sense. For this we showed the above table of DDFAO readings to the seekers from SSRF’s subtle-knowledge section who have advanced subtle-analysis ability. We asked them questions based on the observations and sought their help in understanding what had actually happened at a subtle-level. Their input gave us insight into the reasons underlying the observations, and an understanding of the different variables deciding the outcome. The following were our questions and their answers.

Q1. Why did the upper four chakras in the case of Subject 1 (who was spiritually positive) record an increased activity?


Chetanā is that part of the Divine Consciousness that governs the physical and mental functions, and also activates the five vital energies in the body

Answer: A sari is Sattva-predominant and is therefore considered sāttvikĀ attire. Contact with the Sattva-predominant vibrations from the sari activated the chetana of Subject 1. As a result, the Sattva component spread throughout her body in a short period of time.

The upper four Kundalini chakras are more sensitive to the Sattva component compared to the lower three chakras. That is why they imbibed the Sattva component in a short time and started storing it in the body. As this seeker is not affected by negative energies, there was no resistance to the process of imbibing positive energy. The Sattva component therefore accumulated rapidly in her upper four chakras which resulted in them getting activated.

This shows the importance of wearing Sattva-predominant attire.

Q2. After changing the sari and wearing a skirt and top, why were the DDFAO readings corresponding to the upper four Kundalini chakras of one out of the three seekers with negative energy distress and of the lone seeker without negative energy distress suggestive of decreased activity?


Answer: The skirt isĀ  Tama-predominant in nature. As a general rule, when we wear attire that is Tama-predominant, it decreases the activity of the Kundalini chakras i.e. makes it more negative in the DDFAO readings. Contact with the Tama component makes the human body devoid of Chetana, and reduces its ability to imbibe the Sattva component.

Now let us look at the reasons for the decrease in the two types of seekers, one not affected by negative energy and one who was affected by negative energy.

  1. Seeker without negative energy distress (Subject 1): The flow of the Tama component into her body led to concentration of the distressing vibrations in her body. This started resisting the Sattva-related activity going on through the medium of the chakras. As a result, her body began to lose the Sattva component. This led to a decrease in the activity of her chakras and they became passive.
  2. Seekers with negative energy distress (Subject 3): Wearing a skirt which is Tama-predominant in nature further increased the existing negative energy distress in these seekers. That is why their chakras became even more inactive.
This shows the importance of wearing Sattva-predominant attire.


Q3. After wearing a sari why did the lower three chakras increase in activity in two of the subjects?


Answer: Both seekers follow the spiritual Path of Action (Karmayoga). The lower three chakras are predominantly responsible for providing spiritual energy for physical actions. As a result, in seekers following this path, these lower chakras respond promptly to any increase in the Sattva component. That is why upon wearing a sari, due to the effect of the Sattva-predominant waves emanating from it, the activity of the lower three chakras increased in these seekers who follow the path of Action.

This shows that results can vary according to spiritual path. Depending on a seekerā€™s spiritual path different chakras may be more active.

Q4. Why was it that two of the subjects took a lot more time to return to their baseline state upon wearing a skirt compared to when they wore a sari?


Answer: There are a few reasons which contribute to this.

  • Both seekers in question already had a thick layer of subtle distressing energy covering on them as they were affected by negative energy. Wearing a skirt only aided the existence of this negative distressing covering. Wearing a sari would have an effect contrary to the covering. Hence, the effect of the sari on such subjects would last for a shorter time than that of a skirt.
  • When the atmosphere has a high proportion of the RajaTama component (such as in the present times), the body also becomes spiritually polluted. In this state, if we wear attire that imbibes and transmits the Tama component, its effects last longer.
  • The combined net effect of the attire, personā€™s spiritual state and the environment decide the length of time.
This emphasises how in the present times, due to the prevalent RajaTama in people and the environment, undertaking actions that enhance the Sattva component carry a lot of importance.

Q5. After wearing a sari, the DDFAO readings of the upper four Kundalini chakras of all the seekers with negative energy distress showed decreased activity. However, in the case of Subject 3, the decrease was much more marked compared to the others. What is the spiritual science underlying this?



  • Sattva-predominant elements like a sari have a spiritual healing effect on seekers with negative energy distress. As a result, the subtle distressing energy covering on them reduces. Generally, negative energies function comparatively more through those chakras where they have created distressing energy centres. Upon contact with a Sattva-predominant element, the Sattva component from that element gets transferred into the body. The distressing energy centres in the seekers get activated and start resisting the transfer of positive energy into the body. In this process, when the strength of these distressing energy centres reduces, their ability to function through the medium of distressing vibrations also reduces. This is reflected by the DDFAO equipment as decreased activity of these chakras.
  • Wearing a sari increases the Sattva-predominance compared to wearing a skirt. As a result of wearing a sari, the subtle distressing energy covering on the chakras of all three distressed seekers was reduced. Hence, the chakras were not able to function with the help of distressing vibrations. In other words, the functioning of the negative energies within their bodies was reduced. (Had the subjects continued to wear saris for a longer period of time, and with continued use, the activities of the chakras would have eventually increased.)
  • The negative energy possessing Subject 3 lost a significant amount of energy in its fight with the Sattva-predominant vibrations emanating from the sari. That is why the upper four chakras in her body showed highest proportion of decreased activity.
Everyone is affected by negative energies or by departed ancestors at some point in their lives. Spiritual research has shown that up to 30% of the worldā€™s population is possessed by negative energies. When we wear Sattva-predominant attire, it has a healing effect on our chakras and helps in fighting negative energies.

3. Conclusions of the experiment on how to dress ā€“ a sari or skirt

3.1 Benefit of the Sattva-predominance upon wearing a sariĀ 

  • As the upper four chakras start imbibing and storing the Sattva component from it in the body, the activity of these chakras increases. As a result, the individual becomes Sattva-predominant.
  • The activity of the lower three chakras increases in seekers without negative energy distress and those following the Path of Action.

3.2 Detrimental effect of the Tama component in a skirt

  • Concentration of the Tama component in the body: Contact with the Tama component from the skirt leads to its concentration in the body. This decreases the activity of the upper four chakras and the individual becomes Tama-predominant.
  • Increase in the existing distress in seekers with negative energy distress decreases the activity of their lower chakras: Contact with the Tama-predominant skirt further increases the distress of individuals with negative energy distress. That is why the activity of their lower three chakras decreases further.
  • Individuals with negative energy distress already have a high proportion of subtle-covering of distressing vibrations. Wearing a skirt is complementary to sustaining this covering. Hence, the effect of wearing a skirt lasts longer on these individuals than that of wearing a sari.

4. Summary ā€“ How to dress ā€“ a sari or skirt?

From this experiment, we can see that how we dress can affect us quite dramatically. When we have no sixth sense ability, it is very difficult to perceive this effect. However, seeing the immediate response by the chakras when measured by the DDFAO equipment, we have visual proof that the clothes we wear do affect us and quite considerably. Through this experiment we can see why it is important to know which clothes can be harmful and beneficial to us. Moreover, it is important to develop the sixth sense to perceive this effect when choosing clothes. Only with regular spiritual practice, can we cultivate our own sixth sense ability. Over time our sixth sense gets well-honed to guide our day-to-day decisions. As a result, our decisions benefit both ourselves and the environment positively.


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