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The Snake Spirit – Black Serpent

Live Collective Meditation Sessions

Join live meditations with Sadguru Cyriaque Vallee and experience the healing energy of six DivineĀ mantras.

1. Introduction to the Snake spirit – Black Serpent

The Snake spirit, Black Serpent (Kāla Nāg) is the third in the hierarchy of ghosts in ascending order as per their spiritual strength. The relative spiritual strength of the snake spirit is 100. (Refer to the article on ā€˜Types of ghostsā€™). About 10% of the worldā€™s population is affected or possessed by them in the present times right up to 2025. Considering that a small percentage of the world’s population is affected by them as compared to the common ghost (bhÅ«t) and the demon (rākshas) we have given only a brief list of its salient features.

2. Drawing based on subtle-knowledge of the Snake Spirit – Black Serpent

Snake Spirit - Black Serpent (Kaala Naag)

Please note that this is just a rough guideline, as ghosts can take up any form depending on what they are trying to achieve.

One may wonder why it is called a ā€˜Black Serpentā€™ when it is green in colour. Well, this is from the perspective of distinguishing it from the yellow or positive snake spirits or Serpents who have positive spiritual energy and who help human beings and seekers of God. On the other hand snake spirits like Black Serpents have black energy which they use to harm mankind.

3. Salient features of the Black Serpent

  • Black serpent snake spirits are short-tempered, extremely smart, shrewd and fraudulent. They are always engrossed in their work and are enthusiastic.
  • They are extremely aggressive and release black energy very quickly.
  • They are very meticulous and persistent in their spiritual practice.
  • Due to their tremendous spiritual practice, they have the spiritual energy to gain control over an individual’s seven chakras. Here chakra refers to a centre through which the spiritual energy flows as per the Path of activation of Spiritual energy (KunįøalinÄ«yoga). Generally, they store their energy in the seven chakras. Refer to our section on KunįøalinÄ«.
  • They have many supernatural powers.
  • They work under subtle-sorcerers (māntriks).

4. Spiritual healing remedies

  • Spiritual practice and personality defect removal is the most sustainable spiritual healing to overcome any type of ghost (demon, devil, negative energy etc.)
  • The spiritual power of the Black Serpents (snake spirits) can be reduced by directing the spiritual healing positive energy on their black energy centres located in the corresponding seven Kundalini chakras of the possessed or affected person.


Note: The spiritual level of the spiritual healer has to be at least 20% more than the ghost affecting or possessing the person he is trying to heal. When one is treated with external spiritual remedies one feels better for a time, but to get rid of this distress (which in many cases follows us from many past births) permanently, it is important to do spiritual practice and generate continuous and lasting positivity first hand within us. Only then is it possible to get a permanent cure. If one complements the spiritual healing with chanting during spiritual healing, then the distress is overcome in a shorter time.


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