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Supernatural encounters – ghost attacks on inanimate objects

Around the year 2000, SSRFā€™s spiritual research centre received a number of unusual photographs from seekers associated with it and other objects that had changed very suddenly and unexplainably. The kind of changes in items included spontaneous burns, cracks, scratches, stains, holes and other disfigurations. Similar changes were also observed on the premises of SSRFā€™s research centre and some seekersā€™ personal belongings and homes.

In the first instance, seekers could not understand the reason behind these changes, as there was no apparent external cause for them. His Holiness Dr. Athavale immediately clarified that the objects had actually been attacked by negative energies, and that this was the cause of the changes in them. Read more on Horrifying supernatural encounters.

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Scratches (Scratches section)

This section explores the phenomenon of scratches, scratch marks and scrape marks created by negative energies. Here you will find the spiritual science behind scratches which cannot be explained through rational means, as well as case studies of scratches which have a spiritual cause.


Case studies




Tears and cuts (Tears section)

This series of articles in our section on Horrifying Supernatural Encounters explores the phenomenon of tears and cuts created by negative energies. Here, you will find the spiritual science behind tears that appear on clothes, pictures and other objects without any physical reason, as well as analysed case studies of tears which have a spiritual cause


Case studies

Spontaneous holes appearing in clothes, walls and other objects (Holes section)

This section explores how higher level negative energies can create holes through subtle means alone.


Case studies

Blood stains appearing spontaneously (Blood stains section)

Have you ever heard of blood stains appearing dramatically on various items such as clothes, walls and the floor in a house?


  • Why these attacks have been happening
  • Case study | Completely analysed case study of blood stains spontaneously appearing on a pair of pants
  • How subtle pictures are drawn and checked
  • Predictions on the times to come
  • Case study | Blood appearing along with a piece of flesh

Case studies

Cracks (Cracks section)

This section examines the phenomenon of cracks created by negative energies. This includes cracks on photos of Saints and Deities, as well as other objects such as those used for worship, spiritual practice or spiritual healing, jewellery and even everyday objects. The spiritual science behind these unusual occurrences is provided against each case study.


Case studies






This section examines the phenomenon of fading and disfiguration of printed photographs and pictures. Disfiguration was most frequently noticed on photographs of Saints.


Case studies





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