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Are famous paintings by famous artists worth it?

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1. Introduction

Salvator MundiIn 2017, Leonardo da Vinciā€™s Salvator Mundi sold for a record-breaking $450.3 million. Art lovers may understand why the painting sold for such a high price. After all, this was the last da Vinci painting in private hands. While this price was extraordinary, art collectors regularly pay exorbitant amounts for artwork that art critics deem to be valuable. People buy expensive art for different reasons, including having an emotional connection with the art, decorative purposes, and prestige. Many of the benefits associated with buying expensive art are classed by economists as ā€˜psychic benefitsā€™, which are intangible and related to enjoyment and experience.

Art lovers flock to auction houses and museums to view famous works of art. However, the spiritual aspects of artwork and the vibrations that they emit are never taken into account in the valuation of art. SSRF and the Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay (MAV) have found that there are other intangible aspects related to art that the modern artist and art lover can consider. We wanted to test the spiritual vibrations of famous artwork compared with those drawn by seeker-artists.

SSRF and MAV have conducted in-depth research on art for over 3 decades. This research focuses on how art can be made in a spiritually pure way so as to benefit the observer and the environment. The results are ground-breaking and have the potential to reshape the way the world views art. In the last article in this series (coming soon), we presented research showing how a digital painting of Deity Ganapati has been made in a spiritually pure way, and the benefits associated with it. SSRF and MAV have also conducted spiritual research into paintings made by famous artists especially those paintings that are pictures of Deities, and an example of this research is presented below.

2. A deityā€™s picture drawn by a seeker versus the same deity drawn by a famous artist

2.1 Introduction and background

The spiritual research team wanted to understand whether pictures of Deities drawn by famous artists have the same spiritual positivity as the ones drawn by a seeker-artist under the guidance of His Holiness Dr. Athavale. To conduct this experiment, 3 paintings of Deity Lakshmi (who is the Goddess of wealth), were compared. The first was a painting of Goddess Lakshmi that was painted by a famous artist. The second was a commercially available painting and the third was a digital painting drawn by a seeker-artist from MAV.

3 paintings of Deity Lakshmi

Three separate experiments conducted to study the spiritual positivity or negativity of the paintings above are given below.

2.2 Using PIP technology to compare the subtle-vibrations emitted by paintings of Deity Lakshmi

2.2.1Ā Methodology

In the first part of this experiment, Polycontrast Interference Photography (PIP) was used. Below are the corresponding PIP pictures of each of the three paintings of Deity Lakshmi mentioned above. They have been compared to a baseline reading of the environment where the experiment (using PIP) was conducted. The baseline reading was taken of an empty room with a table and an empty picture frame where the various pictures were thereafter placed one by one.

PIP analysis of the 3 paintings of Deity Lakshmi

2.2.2Ā Key observations

It can be observed that the colours in each of the PIP pictures are different, signifying a different proportion of positive and negative subtle-vibrations. The total area of positive versus negative colours from each of the above PIP pictures (of Deity Lakshmi) was measured and compared. The ā€˜stacked column chartā€™ below shows the proportion of positive and negative vibrations seen in each PIP picture.

Overall % change in negative and positive vibrations in each painting of Deity Lakshmi

2.2.3 Analysis and conclusions

  • With regards to the painting of Deity Lakshmi drawn by the famous artist, the amount of negative vibrations increased by 50% in the surrounding environment when compared with the baseline reading.
  • The reading of the commercial painting of Deity Lakshmi showed a slight increase in negativity when compared with the baseline reading. However, it was much more positive than the reading of the painting by the famous artist.
  • The reading of the sāttvik picture of Deity Lakshmi drawn by the seeker-artist was 42% more positive than the baseline. In addition, the reading of this picture was 113% more positive than the reading of the famous artistā€™s artwork.

2.3 Using Universal Thermo Scanner (UTS) to measure the subtle-vibrations emitted by art

2.3.1 Methodology

In this experiment, the Universal Thermo Scanner (UTS) was used. The Universal Thermo Scanner (UTS) is an instrument developed by Dr. Mannem Murthy (a former nuclear scientist) and is used to measure the subtle-energy (positive and negative) and the aura around any object (living or non-living). Using this instrument, the same three paintings of Deity Lakshmi were used as in the previous experiment. They were measured for three criteria, i.e. negative aura, positive aura and total combined aura.

2.3.2 Key observations

The three charts given below show the readings of the aura (in metres) as per each criterion.

Readings of the 3 paintings of Deity Lakshmi obtained through UTS

2.3.3 Analysis and conclusions

  • Of the three pictures of Deity Lakshmi, only the one painted by the famous artist had negative readings in the ultraviolet (UV) and infrared (IR) criteria.
  • On the other hand, only the digital painting made by a seeker-artist from MAV had a positive aura of 2.56 m.
  • The total measured aura in the case of the sattvik picture of Deity Lakshmi was 4.61 m, which was over 200% greater than that of the other two. An increase in the total measured aura is indicative of increased positivity.

2.3.4 Pictures based on subtle-knowledge

At the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram (in Goa, India) extensive research into the spiritual dimension is conducted using an advanced level of sixth sense. The subtle-knowledge received by seekers in the spiritual research team goes through rigorous scrutiny.

One medium of receiving Divine knowledge is in a visual format. The seekers who receive knowledge in such a way are known as subtle-drawing artists and they can visually perceive the subtle-process during an experiment or situation and draw what they see and feel.

These drawingsĀ are akin to spiritual X-rays and provide the average person with an unparalleled visual view into the spiritual dimension.Ā Two such pictures are displayed below. They represent what Mrs Yoya Vallee (who is a seeker-artist from MAV) perceived in the subtle when observing the two typesĀ of pictures (as mentioned above), namely the picture of Deity Lakshmi drawn by the famous artist and the picture drawn by the seeker-artist Janhavi from MAV.

Subtle-picture of the painting of Deity Lakshmi drawn by a famous artist


Subtle-picture of the painting of Deity Lakshmi drawn by a seeker-artist from MAV

We can see from above that the painting made by the famous artist emits spiritually negative vibrations, while the digital painting made by seeker artist Janhavi emits highly positive vibrations.

3. Conclusion

The three methods (via PIP, UTS and subtle-drawings) used to analyse the pictures of Deity Lakshmi unanimously showed that the picture drawn by the famous artist emitted negative vibrations while the picture drawn by the seeker-artist from MAV was highly positive.

This brings up the question as to why the artist’s work emits negative energy. The following are some explanations that shed light on this subject.

The spiritual state of the artist has a significant impact on the spiritual vibrations their art emits. If an artist is afflicted by negative energies, artwork made by that artist will have more negative vibrations. The colour of the entire picture is black, which is a spiritually negative colour. The biggest flaw in the famous artistā€™s approach to art was attempting to draw a deityā€™s picture as per his imagination and wish, rather than under the guidance of a spiritually evolved guide. If he were to have listened to a spiritually evolved guide, then he would have drawn the deity as per the spiritual science of art.

Often famous artists give their own aesthetic touch to pictures of deities. As per the principles of spiritual art, the form in the artwork representing a deity should exactly match the form of the deity. Hence most famous artists violate this fundamental principle of art when painting a deity.

When it comes to art, the artistā€™s name often dictates the popularity of his works. It also goes a long way in attracting crowds to view his artwork. As a result, art lovers blindly go to great lengths to purchase works of art made by famous artists without understanding the spiritual vibrations that the art emits. For example, purchasing a work of the famous artist can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars. However, when one purchases a work of art and hangs it on a wall at home, one would want it to emit positivity. Yet, research has shown that very often expensive paintings that are highly sought after, emit negative vibrations.

Clearly, the fame of an artist is not a relevant criterion in determining the spiritual purity of a work of art. The best way to understand this is by starting or increasing oneā€™s own spiritual practice because then one develops oneā€™s sixth sense. This enables them to feel spiritual positivity and negativity through their own sixth sense, so one would naturally understand which works of art are spiritually positive and which ones are negative.

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