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Effect of translation of Sanskrit text from the Bhagawad Geeta into various languages

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1. Background and purpose of the experiment


To test when a Holy text (such as the Bhagawad Geeta) is translated into other languages (from its original language which is Sanskrit) if there is any difference in the vibrations emitted by the text.

2. How the experiment was set up

  • The Bhagawad Geeta has been translated into more than 50 languages. Of these languages, we chose to conduct the experiment on a single verse from the Bhagawad Geeta which was translated into English, Hindi and Marathi along with the original verse in Sanskrit. When selecting the translated verse, care was taken to use translations from reputed sources so as to ensure that the exact meaning of the text had been preserved along with its original poetic form. We chose English as it is the most internationally used language and Hindi as it is the national language of India. We also chose Marathi as it is an example of a regional language and is close to Sanskrit in phonetics and script
  • A control group is defined as the group in an experiment or study that does not receive treatment by the researchers and is then used as a benchmark to measure how the other tested subjects do.

    We used the PIP technology for this experiment.

  • We prepared 5 papers that were mounted on a white wooden board for support. The first paper was left blank and was used to obtain a base reading (similar to how a control group is used). Each of the other papers had translated versions of the Sanskrit text that were in English, Hindi and Marathi respectively, along with one paper having the original Sanskrit text.
  • The experiment was conducted in a special white room as per the operating instructions for the use of the PIP. The lighting during the experiment was standardised and there were no lighting fluctuations. This regulated environment also minimized any external influences in the experiment. Only one experienced operator was in the room and all tests were conducted by the same operator. The analysis of the results was conducted at a later time after the experiment. This is standard operating procedure for the use of this instrument.
  • A complete definition of all PIP colours is provided in the colour guide to PIP Technology.
  • Camera settings were not changed in any manner throughout the experiment.

3. Observations from conducting the experiment

A) Baseline reading of a blank white paper

At first, we placed the blank white paper on a wooden board to get a baseline reading of the paper without any text. The following is the image generated by the PIP. Each of the colours have a meaning as shown below. The colours on the object and table were not taken into consideration as the PIP instrument primarily measures the energy field around an object or person.

shloke_1_baseline-readingB) Vibrations emitted from the translated verse in English

In the picture below, we had removed the blank paper and replaced it with the paper where the Sanskrit verse from the Bhagawad Geeta had been translated into English. (It is standard operating procedure that between each reading/change in text, we allow the environment to stabilise before putting the next sample for a reading. This helps to ensure that there is no overlap in readings due to any object.)

As you can see, there is an increase in the sandy brown colour which represents negativity. The sandy brown colour has expanded into the yellow area thus reducing the amount of yellow and hence the Divine conciousness (Chaitanya), which are positive vibrations in the environment.

shloke_2_sanskrit_english_translationC) Vibrations emitted from the translated verse in Hindi

In the picture below, the Hindi translated version of the Sanskrit verse has been placed. (Reference of translation – Gitarthbodhini, Publisher – Rauji Shridhar Gondhalekar, Pune, 3 September 1881, Page 2.)

As you can see, there is a reduction in the sandy brown colour which represents negativity in the environment. The yellow colour has increased which represents Divine consciousness. Also we now see a silver colour emerging in the energy field around the verse in Hindi signifying spiritual purity.

shloke_3_sanskrit_to_hindi_translationD) Vibrations emitted from the translated verse in Marathi

In the picture below, we have now placed the paper where the Sanskrit verse from the Bhagawad Geeta had been translated into Marathi. (Reference of translation – Shri Vaman Pandit, as mentioned in the book Gitarthbodhini, Publisher – Rauji Shridhar Gondhalekar, Pune, 3 September 1881, Page 2.)

As you can see there is a further reduction in the sandy brown colour which represents negativity in the environment. The yellow colour area which represents Divine consciousness has remained somewhat steady. However, the silver colour signifying spiritual purity has increased significantly.


Note: Lime green (healing at a subtle level) has started to appear at the top of the picture.

E) Vibrations emitted from the original verse in Sanskrit

Lastly we placed the original Sanskrit verse. Here we can see a further increase in the silver colour along with a lime green colour on top. Lime green signifies a higher level of healing energy which is more subtle.


Summary of observations

In order to summarise the various observations, we have provided a chart aggregating the positive and negative colours with each change in translated language from the baseline reading. In the chart below, we have shown the positive vibrations in yellow and negative vibrations in dark grey both expressed as a percentage of the total vibrations observed in the PIP image.

The translated verses in the Devanagari script languages had a higher proportion of positive vibrations as compared to the baseline reading and the Latin script.


From the above chart, the proportion of positive vibrations were similar in Hindi, Marathi and Sanskrit. However, was there any difference within the positive vibrations seen in each of the Devanagari script languages?

For this we looked at the detailed changes in proportion of colour (given below).


From the above chart there were nuances in the positive vibrations at a higher positive level. In the following chart, we focus only on Lime green (which signifies healing at the subtle level) and Silver (which signifies spiritual purity) and we see a significant change in both these colours with each language of the Devanagari script. Sanskrit is seen to have a higher percentage of the colours with the highest vibrations of positivity.


4. Analysis and conclusion

  • This experiment shows that all other things being equal, when the same verse from a Holy text is translated into other languages, where even if we have tried to capture the complete essence of the meaning, the vibrations emanating from that text will change depending on the language and script.
    Rule: When any text is translated into another language, the positivity or negativity is likely to change depending on the language it is translated into.
  • The changes in vibrations are likely to have an impact on the reader. The more positive the vibrations, the more likely that the text will have a positive impact at a physical level, and at a mental and spiritual level. Conversely any text which has more negative vibrations is likely to have an increased negative impact.
  • Based on this experiment, we have seen that the following are the rankings of languages based on the positivity of the script and the nuances of the language. We have arranged them in descending order from more positive to more negative.

    1. Sanskrit

    2. Marathi

    3. Hindi

    4. English

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