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Live Collective Meditation Sessions

Join live meditations with Sadguru Cyriaque Vallee and experience the healing energy of six DivineĀ mantras.

1. Background and purpose of the experiment

  1. As per the guidance of Paratpar Guru Dr Athavale, seekers have been advised to chant ā€˜Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya |ā€™ which is a chant pertaining to Deity Shrikrushna. This chant is especially conducive for spiritual growth and protection during current times and the years up to 2025.
  2. Dr Pradeep B Deshpande is Professor Emeritus of Chemical Engineering at the University of Louisville. He is also the President & CEO of Six Sigma & Advanced Controls, Inc., a company that he founded. He visited the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram on 17th January 2015 as he was very fascinated by the spiritual research being performed at the Centre and the appearance of Divine particles in the Ashram premises.
  3. He had brought with him a GDV camera Bio-well, an instrument that shows the state of a personā€™s energy field and chakras. Using this instrument, it was planned to conduct an experiment on a few seekers.
  4. The purpose of the experiment was to check the effect of chanting. ā€˜Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya |ā€™ on seekers when they were in the Ashram spiritual healing room. This room had been previously lived in by H.H. Dr Athavale, who is the founder of the Maharshi University of Spirituality. He stayed in the room from Dec 2006 ā€“ Jun 2007. Items such as the cupboard and the mirror that He used have been preserved in that room. The room is very spiritually positive. This is because the objects (room, items, etc.) used by Saints with a very high spiritual level, like H.H. Dr Athavale, contain very high positive energy, which is spiritually beneficial to others. Higher level Saints have said that chanting in that particular room is 3 times more effective as compared to chanting in an average place.

2. Set up of the experiment to test the effectiveness of chanting in a spiritually positive room

  • We asked each of the seekers taking part in the experiment to come one-by-one and take a reading on the GDV camera Bio-Well. This was the baseline reading.
  • After they had taken their reading, we asked them to enter the Ashram spiritual healing room and chant for 40 minutes. These 40 minutes of chanting would be the equivalent of 2 hours of chanting in any other average place.
  • We ensured that the Ashram spiritual healing room was empty and only one seeker chanted in that room at any given time. This was to ensure that the seeker taking part in the experiment was not affected by the vibrations from any other seeker. The only stimulus was the chant and the special spiritual nature of the Ashram spiritual healing room.
  • After completing their chanting session, we took another reading on the same machine to understand the effect of the 40 minutes of chanting in the Ashram spiritual healing room.

3. Observations of the effect of chanting the Name of God

The following is an example of a Bio-well GDV comparing an unhealthy and a healthy person. Sample energy fields comparing an unhealthy and a healthy person are shown on the left and a comparison of the state of the chakras of an unhealthy and a healthy person are shown on the right.

Sample images from Bio-well GDV of an unhealth and healthy person

There were significant variations in readings of the experiment before and after the 40-minute chanting session. Below, we have provided two such readings of seekers who had taken part in the experiment.

Reading of Seeker 1 – who does not suffer from any spiritual distress

Spiritual distress : means that a person has negative vibrations. This is caused due to spiritual reasons such as being affected or possessed by negative energies, ancestral problems, etc. If the negative vibrations are more than 50%, it is considered severe. 30-49% is considered moderate and below 30% is considered mild.

Bio-energy field: In the diagram below, the bio-field of the seeker (not having any distress) is displayed and it shows the reading of the energy field before (image on the left) and after (image on the right) chanting ā€˜Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya |ā€™ for 40 minutes in the Ashram spiritual healing room. You will notice that the image on the left shows gaps and sharper spikes in the personā€™s bio-field. This image represents the personā€™s bio-field prior to her chanting. On the other hand, the bio-field image on the right, which is an illustration of the personā€™s energy field after chanting, appears to be much healthier. This means that there are no gaps and the thickness in the field is relatively even compared to the previous reading.


How the software displays chakras is important when analysing them. Location and size are the two parameters used to show the state of the chakras. The ideal position of a healthy individual (physically and mentally) is when the chakras are aligned on an imaginary vertical centre line and their size is ideal, i.e., neither large nor small. When a person is mentally and/or physically unbalanced the chakras are not aligned and their size is small as compared to the ideal size. This small size indicates lack of energy.

Also, the exact position of chakras that is displayed in the diagrammatic reports from the GDV machines is slightly different as compared to where SSRF has located them in the article on what are chakras. The three chakras that are placed differently are :

Chakra Placement in the GDV diagrams Placement as per SSRF
Adnya Centre of the forehead Between the eyebrows
Manipur Solar plexus Navel
Swadishtan Navel Located approximated 1 inch below the start of the pubic hairline

Refer to the two chakra diagram reports below of the seeker (without distress) when taking part in the experiment. As this seeker has a higher spiritual level, most of the chakras are already aligned with the exception of two chakras, namely the Vishuddha (Throat) and Muladhar (Root) chakras. However here too, one can see after a mere 40 minutes of chanting in a spiritually charged environment, the seekerā€™s chakras all got nearly aligned. The size of the chakras has also increased to be nearer to ideal.

In relation to size

Size denotes Energy in joules (x 10-2)
Chakras Before After Diff
Mūlādhār-chakra 3.77 4.60 0.83
Swādhishį¹­hān-chakra 3.18 4.07 0.89
Maį¹‡ipur-chakra 3.70 4.17 0.47
Anāhat-chakra 3.97 3.90 -0.07
Vishuddha-chakra 3.73 4.65 0.92
Ādnyā-chakra 3.55 3.74 0.19
Sahasrār-chakra 4.14 3.79 -0.35
Average 3.72 4.13 0.41

The above figures are measured in joules (x 10-2) and 5 joules (x 10-2) is considered to be ideal.

  • 5 of the 7 chakrasā€™ sizes have improved towards being more ideal.
  • The overall energy improved by 0.41 joules (x 10-2)

In relation to alignment

Alignment refers to a balanced state of the chakras, which affects physical, psychological and spiritual well-being. The more they are aligned towards the centre the more balanced the chakras are.

Alignment (%)
Chakras Before After Diff
Mūlādhār-chakra 42.69 96.55 53.86
Swādhishį¹­hān-chakra 99.30 99.98 0.68
Maį¹‡ipur-chakra 96.57 98.56 1.99
Anāhat-chakra 99.66 97.15 -2.51
Vishuddha-chakra 45.73 99.96 54.23
Ādnyā-chakra 99.88 94.63 -5.25
Sahasrār-chakra 99.19 99.97 0.78
Ā  83.29 98.11 14.83

Here we see a big difference in alignment.

  • The balance improved in 5 chakras out of 7. The MÅ«lādhār-chakra and the Vishuddha-chakra which were quite misaligned have come close to being completely aligned.
  • The Anāhat-chakra and Ādnyā-chakra are only marginally less aligned
  • The overall alignment improved by 14.83%

The overall summary indicators report provided by the GDV also showed improvement in the case of this seeker

Parameter Scale Before Classification Before After Classification After Difference (After ā€“ Before)
Stress 0-10 3.20 Normal 2.95 Normal -0.25
Energy 0-100 46.78 Normal 49.54 Normal 2.76
Balance 0-100 90.70 Normal 97.01 Normal 6.31

This shows that overall stress reduced while the energy and balance increased.

Reading of Seeker 2 – who was afflicted with spiritual distress

Bio-energy field: Compared to seeker 1, this seekerā€™s pre-chanting field is far more broken and the gaps are far more noticeable. This was primarily due to the spiritual distress she suffered from. However, after 40 minutes of chanting there is a remarkable positive change, wherein the bio-field appears of the same width all over to a greater extent.

Chakras: The pre-chanting position of the chakras illustrates that there is severe misalignment of the chakras. This is generally indicative of a person who is unwell. In this case, through spiritual research, we understand that this is due to the seeker being afflicted with spiritual distress. The seeker physically was and is in a healthy state with no known major physical illnesses. However, after 40 minutes of chanting in the ashram meditation room there is a dramatic alignment of the chakras.

In relation to size

Size denotes Energy in joules (x 10-2)
Chakras Before After Diff
Mūlādhār-chakra 3.56 4.23 0.67
Swādhishį¹­hān-chakra 2.59 3.91 1.32
Maį¹‡ipur-chakra 4.00 4.22 0.22
Anāhat-chakra 3.46 4.01 0.55
Vishuddha-chakra 3.56 3.51 -0.05
Ādnyā-chakra 3.75 4.23 0.48
Sahasrār-chakra 3.28 4.38 1.10
Average 3.46 4.07 0.61

The above figures are measured in joules (x 10-2) and 5 joules (x 10-2) is considered to be ideal.

  • 6 of the 7 chakrasā€™ sizes have improved towards being more ideal.
  • The overall energy improved by 0.61 joules (x 10-2)

In relation to alignment

Alignment (%)
Chakras Before After Diff
Mūlādhār-chakra 70.41 91.34 20.93
Swādhishį¹­hān-chakra 33.33 99.94 66.61
Maį¹‡ipur-chakra 78.81 38.00 -40.81
Anāhat-chakra 34.48 98.97 64.49
Vishuddha-chakra 99.61 95.79 -3.82
Ādnyā-chakra 77.22 99.48 22.26
Sahasrār-chakra 92.75 96.68 4.23
69.52 88.64 19.13

Here we see a big difference in alignment.

  • The balance improved significantly in 5 chakras out of 7.
  • The Maį¹‡ipur-chakra and Vishuddha-chakra are less aligned.
  • The overall alignment improved by 19.13%

The overall summary indicators report provided by the GDV also showed improvement in the case of this seeker

Parameter Scale Before Classification Before After Classification After Difference (After ā€“ Before)
Stress 0-10 3.19 Normal 3.04 Normal -0.15
Energy 0-100 46.17 Normal 50.99 Normal 4.82
Balance 0-100 77.22 Below 91.02 Normal 13.80

Ā It shows that overall stress reduced marginally, while the energy and balance increased considerably.

4.Ā Conclusions on the effectiveness of chanting in a spiritually pure room

  • In both seekers, there were significant changes for the positive in both the aura and chakra readings after just 40 minutes of chanting in the spiritually positive Ashram spiritual healing room.
  • This shows the importance and efficacy of the chant ā€˜Om Namo Bhagavate Vasudevaya |ā€™ and the importance of following the guidance of a Paratpar Guru (H.H. Dr Athavale).
  • It also shows the importance of chanting in spiritually pure areas as it acts as a booster for oneā€™s spiritual practice. It is also the reason why it is recommended to visit Holy places for oneā€™s spiritual practice.
  • Dr Pradeep B Deshpande who conducted this experiment was quite amazed by this change and stated that it generally takes months to facilitate such a change. He made this statement based on his extensive research experience using the GDV camera Bio-Well.

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