Prediction about the start of World War 3, the events which precede it and the events which will follow based on current trends :
While there are predictions of a possible World War 3 by seers such as Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, or by historians or political analysts, this article aims to give the spiritual perspective so that one can prepare themselves at the physical, psychological and spiritual levels.
This article was first published in 2006 and last updated on 28 October 2023.
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction to the World War 3 prediction
- 2. World War 3 and the subtle battle
- 3. When will World War 3 start? - Timeline of Events
- 4. Prediction about the severity of World War 3
- 5. Main stages of World War 3 and the subtle battle
- 6. Can World War 3 be avoided?
- 7. Who are the forces of God fighting this subtle-battle?
- 8. Conclusion
- Related Articles
1. Introduction to the World War 3 prediction
Over two decades ago, in the 1990s, our spiritual research team sensed an adverse shift in the world's spiritual vibrations that, if left unchecked, could lead to a grim world situation. At that time, global awareness of climate change had not yet gained momentum, and World War 3 was a matter of speculation. Later in 2006, we published our findings in our articles on World War 3 and Climate Change predictions.
The reason for publishing these findings was not to scare people but to increase awareness and to serve as a wake-up call for humanity to do something positive to curb the increase in subtle negative vibrations. Several seers, such as Nostradamus, Baba Vanga, etc., have also predicted turbulent and distressing times ahead of cataclysmic proportions and mentioned the start of World War 3.
Fast forward to 2023, and the onslaught of climate change and extreme weather events has been challenging, to say the least. A state of war is currently affecting many countries or is threatening to break out. The Doomsday Clock, maintained since 1947, is a symbolic clock that represents the likelihood of a human-made global catastrophe, in the opinion of the members of the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. In January 2023, these scientists set the clock to 90 seconds to midnight, signalling, that, in their educated opinion, the way events in the world are unfolding, the world is the closest it has ever been to a global catastrophe.
We concur.
To avoid a possible World War 3, it is essential to reverse negative human behaviour and to strive to interact with the world more sustainably and harmoniously.
To find the solution to any problem, one must go to the root of the problem. This may be in the physical, psychological or spiritual dimension. The purpose of this article is to provide information uncovered through spiritual research about :
- A spiritual perspective behind the escalation of worldwide adverse events such as war and increased natural disasters.
- Measures that can be taken by humanity to minimise the impact of these events or to protect oneself in the event of a World War.
2. World War 3 and the subtle battle
Unknown to most people, the universe is in the midst of a subtle-battle of epic proportions. Most of this battle is being fought in the spiritual dimension between forces of good and evil. The physical plane, i.e., Earth is also being affected by the events in the spiritual dimension. The consequences of the subtle-battle are mainly in the form of seeds sown for further rapid and progressive deterioration of the world at various levels. This works in two ways:
- It decreases the overall sÄttviktÄĀ (purity) in the world.
- It strengthens the hold of the forces of evil on humankind.
According to an evolved Saint, Adi Shankaracharya from India (8th - 9th century AD), Righteousness (Dharma)is that which accomplishes the 3 tasks of :
- Keeping the social system in an excellent condition
- Bringing about the worldly progress of every living being
- Causing progress in the spiritual realm as well.
Ā ā Shri Adi Shankaracharya
Since 1993, negative subtle forces (powerful negative energies) began to sow the seeds for the degradation of society and acceleration of unrighteousness. In many ways, society had already set in place the process of degradation (i.e., the increase inĀ Raja-Tama). This was due to a rise in manās materialistic nature and lack of Righteousness owing to a lack of spiritual practice. Aided by higher-level negative energies, the downslide of society quickly increased in intensity and speed. Over time these seeds would take root and increase theĀ Raja-TamaĀ (spiritual impurity) in society. As society continued to become more and more unrighteous, they played right into the hands of negative energies increasing theĀ RajaĀ andĀ TamaĀ in the environment. An increase inĀ RajaĀ andĀ TamaĀ has a destabilising effect on people and the environment. This current trend will culminate in the increased intensity of natural disasters and the Third World War.
3. When will World War 3 start? - Timeline of Events
The following table describes the timeline of events leading to war at a psychological level. As it continues to increase past 2018, the build-up to World War 3 will physically start in 2019. In the table, we describe examples of a few adverse mechanisms already being set into motion from the subtle regions by higher-level negative energies. We initially published this article in 2006, and since 2015, we have provided an additional rough guideline about events that will unfold. As the run-up to World War 3 reaches its final stages, the timeline for specific events may change depending on various factors given in Section 6 - Can World War 3 be avoided?
Year | Event |
2000 | The seed of intense domestic conflicts sown in society |
2001 | The seed of an increase in anti-social elements in society |
2002 | The seed of an increase in malpractices in places of worship accelerates the increase of Raja and Tama. Places of worship contribute to the Sattva component in society. When malpractices take place there, they reduce the sattvikta (spiritual positivity) and thereby help to increase the Raja and Tama (spiritual negativity). |
2006 | The seed of the beginning of destruction of places of worship |
2011 | The seed of steps taken by terrorists (under the control of powerful negative energies) to destroy spiritual organisations that are genuinely working for the benefit of society. This can be done in various ways such as framing them for incorrect activities thereby reducing the public faith in such organisations. |
2014 | A high incidence of natural calamities |
2015 | Havoc by floods and volcanoes |
2015-2018 |
2019-2025 |
End 2025 onwards |
Refer to the section on whether World War 3 can be avoided.
4. Prediction about the severity of World War 3
As stated earlier, the battle in the physical realm, i.e., on Earth, is primarily due to events in the spiritual dimension. Hence, awareness about the battleās root causes is limited only to those who are spiritually evolved through the medium of advanced sixth sense. Only a fraction of the subtle battle will be experienced on Earth at the physical level. However, this fraction itself will be catastrophic enough and will be the cause of mass destruction. Humankind will experience this fraction of the battle in the form of increased natural disasters and World War 3, where weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, will possibly be used. The rise in natural disasters such as floods, earthquakes and volcanoes will be primarily due to the increase in spiritual impurity fuelled by unrighteousness on Earth. Spiritual research on this phenomenon has been covered in the article Natural disasters ā a spiritual perspective. The people and events that will trigger World War 3 will be controlled by higher-level negative energies known as subtle sorcerers (mÄntriks).
The following table compares the severity of the various World Wars, considering both the subtle and physical aspects.
Name of the war | Year | Relative severity of the subtle and physical battle |
World War 1 | 1914 ā 1918 | 1 |
World War 2 | 1939 ā 1945 | 1.5 |
World War 3 | 2015 ā 2025 | 4.5* |
*Note: Towards the end of World War 3, the severity of the destruction caused by war will be 4.5 times that of World War 1 and 3 times World War 2.
The above table gives one an understanding of the scale of the subtle battle and World War 3. All the major disasters and terrorist activities of the past few years are tell-tale signs directly related to the subtle battle. Higher level negative energies, such as subtle sorcerers, target and possess individuals who have a mindset to harm society and carry out terrorist activities through them on mankind.
Note to our readers :
This article was first published in September 2006.
In order to understand this article better, please read the article ā Sattva, Raja and Tama ā Basic Components of Creation as it provides knowledge on some basic concepts that are referred to in this article.
We also recommend that you read our World War 3 survival guide.
5. Main stages of World War 3 and the subtle battle
5.1 Who is behind World War 3 and what will trigger its commencement?
The SSRF defines the word 'subtle world' or 'spiritual dimension' as the world which is beyond the understanding of the five senses, mind and intellect. The subtle world refers to the unseen world of angels, ghosts, heaven, etc. which can only be perceived through our sixth sense.
The Third World War will be triggered mainly due to powerful subtle negative forces. Higher-level negative energies will take advantage of the lower spiritual levels, personality defects and higher egos of people to push them over the edge and instigate nations to go to war with each other. In all the three World Wars (i.e., from World War 1 to World War 3) powerful negative energies from progressively lower regions of Hell have been the actual root cause of events that have instigated countries to go to war with each other. The following points elaborate on which subtle negative forces from the regions of Hell were responsible for instigating the World Wars.
- World War 1: Subtle-sorcerers (mÄntriks) from the 2nd region of Hell.
- World War 2: Subtle sorcerers primarily from the 3rd region of Hell took part in the orchestration of the Second World War. Hitler, for example, throughout his tenure in power, was possessed by a subtle sorcerer from the 5th region of Hell. This was also the reason for his dramatic rise to power. Throughout his reign, the subtle sorcerer was fully manifest.
- World War 3: If World War 3 were to happen (in the physical realm), then it would be caused by subtle sorcerers from the 4th region of Hell. However, in the subtle battle, subtle sorcerers from the 7th region of Hell (which is the deepest region of Hell) will take part. In the years 2017-2025, subtle sorcerers from the 6th and 7th region of Hell will be involved in the subtle battle.
The Third World War will begin in 2015 and will be likely to continue for about 11 years till 2025. The wars that will be fought within that period will all be linked. However, it may not be obvious to the world. Towards the end of this period, there is a likelihood that weapons of mass destruction, including nuclear weapons, will be used. There would be an unprecedented loss of life, where approximately 50% of the population would perish. Some countries would be affected more than others. Needless to say, in a highly interconnected world, all countries would be affected.
The following is the timetable of the subtle battle which will occur during the Third World War and the establishment of the āDivine Eraā from the perspective of the forces of good and evil.
Year | Stages of Subtle Battle |
2015 | Commencement |
2016 ā 2018 | Rising victories of unrighteous people under the forces of evil |
2019 ā 2021 | Righteous and unrighteous forces at par |
2022 ā 2025 | Rising victories of righteous people under the forces of God |
End 2025 onwards | Start of the āDivine Eraā |
5.2 Role of India in World War 3
From time immemorial, India has been the spiritual leader of the world. Spiritual research has revealed that in the battle that is unfolding, India will hold centre stage from a spiritual perspective. Saints of the highest level in India are doing all they can to increase the Sattva component in the world so that it will help reduce the intensity of World War 3. During the war, negative subtle forces would instigate neighbouring countries to attack India to destabilise the pivotal role that it will play. Approximately 50% of the Indian population would perish as a result.
6. Can World War 3 be avoided?
The short answer to this question is āmost likely noā; the World War 3 predictions will most likely come true - though the intensity and timeline of World War 3 and natural disasters may vary.
First, letās cover why these catastrophic events are likely to come true. The Raja-Tama, or the spiritual impurity on Earth, has risen considerably in the past few decades. This has been due to several factors, such as the increased intensity of personality defects in people, a high focus on materialism, a lack of spiritual practice (as per Universal spiritual principles) and negative energies from the spiritual dimension affecting and possessing people to act as they wish. Whenever the spiritual impurity (Raja and Tama) builds up on Earth, it increases the instability in people and the environment. This results in various undesirable events such as natural disasters, social unrest, pandemics, terrorism, wars, etc. Eventually, this will create a new awareness in society about how to live more sustainably and in a spiritually positive way, resulting in negativity reducing over time.
The only way to reverse this trend and avoid this destruction is to increase the Sattva subtle component (spiritual positivity) in the world and reduce the Raja and Tama subtle components (spiritual negativity). For this to happen, humankind would need to make a significant change in their current lifestyles and practise Spirituality as per the six basic principles of spiritual practice. When one practises Spirituality following the six basic principles of spiritual practice, one is more likely to experience spiritual growth. Those who preach that their way is the only way to God and try to convert others to their faith by force or bribery run the risk of violating the six basic principles of spiritual practice and, hence, negating the spiritual efforts of the people who follow such doctrines/practices. In some cases where people preach violence (overtly or covertly) towards society and where people follow such thinking, they regress spiritually and create adverse severe destinies for themselves. The likelihood of this required spiritual change happening is unlikely, and hence, World War 3 and the destruction that has been predicted becomes a high possibility.
However, the intensity and timeline of events may change.
As the conflicts in the world keep escalating, Saints of the highest level on Earth are doing everything to help humanity protect themselves and reduce the intensity of a possible World War. Through their spiritual strength, They are able to delay the adverse times, giving us valuable time to prepare ourselves spiritually.
The time and intensity may change depending on which side makes more effort. If the negative forces make more effort, the intensity will be higher. Conversely, if many people start spiritual practice and live a more spiritually positive and sustainable lifestyle, the intensity of the calamitous times could lessen. Practicing spirituality when war comes to our doorstep is very difficult. Ideally, we should use every moment of peacetime to practise Spirituality and use it for spiritual progress. With spiritual progress comes spiritual growth and spiritual protection in oneās life. One way of spiritual protection is that one can catch the thoughts from the Divine that help one make the right decisions to remain safe in adverse times. Also, when we grow spiritually, our aura becomes larger and more positive, influencing those around us more positively.
7. Who are the forces of God fighting this subtle-battle?
The subtle battle will be fought from 1999-2025. In the ensuing battle of good and evil, the forces of good are led by an evolved spiritual guide of above 90% spiritual level (Paratpar Guru) living on the Earth plane. At the start of the battle, only the Paratpar Guru and a few seekers were fighting the subtle battle. As time progresses, more and more Saints and seekers are joining the subtle battle. Spiritually evolved subtle bodies from the higher positive regions of the Universe will also enter this battle to overcome the forces of evil.
8. Conclusion
We are living in momentous times amidst the changing of an era. This article has not been published to alarm society but to alert and caution it of a possible World War 3. Those who are spiritually inclined and are seekers (of God) are urged to take the time to understand this article and commence or strengthen their spiritual practice. On the positive side, this era is also very conducive for spiritual growth, as elaborated in the article on good and evil. With intense spiritual practice, seekers have the power to lessen the intensity of World War 3 and protect themselves and others.
Ultimately, this war is not about one country defeating another and preserving their way of life. It is not about freedom or democracy or any governing system. It is a war of good vs evil, a battle between spiritual positivity and spiritual negativity. This war is spiritual in nature and about the dawning of a spiritually positive Divine Era. Let us make every effort we can to be a part of this new era.