Demons – Characteristics and Influence
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Table of Contents
1. Introduction
A demon (rÄkshas) is the second in the hierarchy of ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) in ascending order. The category of demons actually includes a group of ghosts known as the rakshas and asurs. Hence their relative spiritual strength ranges from 10-100, where 1 is the relative strength of the lowest among ghosts, i.e. the common ghost (bhÅ«t). Refer to the article on āTypes of ghostsā. In the present times up until 2025, about 50% of society is affected or possessed by demons. This same 50% of the population will also be affected by their departed ancestors.
2. Drawing based on subtle-knowledge of the demon
Please note that this is just a rough guideline, as ghosts can take up any form depending on what they are trying to achieve.
3. CharacteristicsĀ of demons
3.1 Place of residence on Earth region:
Ghosts generally reside in premises that have the same frequency as the subtle-region of Hell (PÄtÄl) of their origin or Raja-Tama vibrations that match their own. Demons prefer living in solitary places. They live alone on roof tops, attics of big firms or factories or big caves.
3.2 Physical characteristics of demons
People possessed by demons when manifest display the following traits which are characteristic of demons:
- Shuffling gait.
- Seek attention by stamping legs.
- Throw objects making loud sounds with eyes closed.
3.3 Mental characteristicsĀ of demons
- They are arrogant.
- They boss over common ghosts.
- They are short tempered and impatient. They growl if attacked.
- Demons are lethargic. They satisfy their craving for food through foodstuffs obtained by others.
- They do not listen to subtle-sorcerers (mÄntriks) and thus are always being punished by them.
- They satisfy their lust by resorting to rape.
- Very rarely do they indulge in extravagant acts.
3.4 SpiritualĀ characteristicsĀ of demons
- Demons do not do spiritual practice.
- They participate in rituals to assimilate black energy only when ordered by subtle-sorcerers. They do so reluctantly and take up only inferior jobs.
- They are experts in transmitting black energy in an explosive form.
4. How do demons influenceĀ human beings?
Demons work at the following levels to harm mankind.
4.1 Through the environmentĀ
- Demons transmit distressing sounds like earthquakes or machines running constantly in the premises.
- Due to their presence foul smell is spread in the surroundings without a source.
4.2 Material/Worldly levelĀ
- Demons occasionally create crevices in walls if angry.
- They create dampness under the seat where somebody is sitting and chanting.
4.3 At a physical levelĀ
- Loss of appetite
- Itching
- Giddiness
- Generation of distressing sound near the ears constantly, thereby leading to numbness due to the barrage of weird sounds.
- Experience of being pushed or of being awakened by touching when one is sitting in meditation.
4.4 At a mental levelĀ
- Loss of sleep at night but sleepiness even during daytime.
- Thoughts about hitting and assaulting others.
- Persons affected with demons do not allow others to do spiritual practice.
5. Remedy
- At an individual level: Blowing of Holy ashĀ (VibhÅ«ti) on the face, frankincense (dhoop)Ā on the back, using objects used by Saints like paper with their handwriting
- Related to the environment: Lighting SSRF incense sticks
Note: The spiritual level of the spiritual healer has to be at least 20% more than the ghost affecting or possessing the person he is trying to heal. When one is treated with external spiritual remedies one feels better for a while, but to get rid of this distress (which in many cases follows us from many births) permanently, it is important that we do spiritual practice and generate continuous and lasting positivity first hand within us. Only then is it possible to get a permanent cure. If one complements the spiritual healing with chanting during spiritual healing then the distress is overcome in a shorter time.