The following is a list of the articles/research conducted on – Incense sticks for spiritual healing
- Mechanism behind Spiritual Healing Methods – Spiritual Healers
- How to select a healer?
- Can harm come to me in anyway, if spiritual healing is done incorrectly?
- What does one do for spiritual healing for loved ones if they are not willing to do spiritual healing remedies themselves?
- How should a Spiritual healer go about healing?
- Spiritual Research experiments conducted on performing spiritual healing on others – (Yet to be published)
- Efficacy of new age healing techniques vs. the healing techniques taught at the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram as per spiritual science and got through advanced sixth sense under the guidance of Paratpar Guru Dr Athavale. A Paratpar Guru is a Saint of the highest order, who is above the 90% spiritual level.
- Is there a difference when healers do visualisations and directing positive energy vs. chanting the Name of God and using spiritual healing objects?
- Does the prayer posture make a difference when performing healing on others? Do surrender prayers help?
- What spiritual healers do for their own spiritual protection when healing others?
- Effect of a spiritual newspaper published at the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram for spiritual healing and removing black covering when performing spiritual healing on others (Yet to be published)
- Effect of playing the audio of the voice of a Paratpar Guru when performing spiritual healing on others (Yet to be published)