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Addiction treatment through spiritual healing

Addiction treatment through spiritual healing

Live Collective Meditation Sessions

Join live meditations with Sadguru Cyriaque Vallee and experience the healing energy of six DivineĀ mantras.

1. Underlying spiritual principles for addiction treatment

Addiction treatment - spiritual healing principle

According to the science of Spirituality, the entire universe is made up ofĀ three basic subtle-components ā€“ Sattva, Raja and Tama. Sattva is the component that represents spiritual purity and knowledge; Raja represents action and passion; and Tama represents ignorance and inertia. The subtle-vibrations emanating from anything and everything are dependent on the predominant subtle basic component they are comprised of. We have explained the meaning of Sattva and Tama in detail in the article on ā€˜What are the subtle basic components?ā€™

The surest way to increase the Sattva component within ourselves is to increase our spiritual practice that conforms to the six basic principles of spiritual practice. Spiritual practiceĀ also needs to be done regularly and increased from time to time at a quantitative and qualitative level. By doing this, there is an increase in the individual’s spiritual level and also a rise in the subtle basic Sattva component within the person. Spiritual practice that does not conform to the six basic principles of spiritual practice will have limited or no positive impact on the sāttviktā (spiritual purity) of a person or on his spiritual development. Spiritual practice is the more long-term and sustainable cure for any type of attack by ghosts or departed ancestors.

Spiritual healing provides short-term relief and enables our spiritual practice to be used primarily for spiritual growth, thusĀ having a holistic effect on our life rather than our spiritual practice being utilized merely for curing an addiction.

The best results come when along with spiritual practice we live Spirituality in all aspects of our life and across all our various layers that make up our consciousness (e.g. physical, mental, intellectual etc.). The following diagram is a representation of what we are comprised of and an example of what we can do to purify each layer.

Addiction treatment through spiritual healing

2. Three-step spiritual process for addiction treatment

It is important to understand that no two cases of addiction are similar at a spiritual level and it will be difficult to apply a generic remedy to fit all instances where ghosts or ancestors are the root cause of the addiction.

Even so, we have provided aĀ three-step spiritual treatment program for addictions to help people overcome any addiction that they may have.

Note: The followingĀ three-step addiction treatment program for is based on using spiritual practice as a tool to overcome addictions. The resulting effects are not only more beneficial but long lasting too.

3 step spiritual treatment program for overcoming addictionsAddiction treatment - Repeating the protective chant 1Addiction treatment - Repeating the protective chant 2Addiction treatment - Salt water treatment


  • It is not mandatory to quit substance intake or stop the activity that one is addicted to at the beginning of the addiction treatment program.
  • However it is important to be consistent with the repetition of the protective chants, which can be done at any time and place.
  • The duration of the chants can be just a few minutes on the first day you begin the treatment. The durationĀ can be gradually and consistently increased according to oneā€™s capacity over the next few days so as to reach the minimum target as specified in theĀ three-step treatmentĀ program forĀ addictions. Remember the more we chant:
    • the stronger the protection,
    • the lesser the withdrawal symptoms, and
    • the sooner we are going to be freed from the clutches of the addiction.
  • Once you are consistentĀ with implementing theĀ three steps on a daily basis, you can actively begin to reduce the intake of the addictive substance or thing in a phased manner.
  • This addiction treatmentĀ program at the spiritual level can be done along with any treatment that has been prescribed by your doctor or psychiatrist. You do not have to stop the medical treatment.
  • One important advantage of addiction treatment with spiritual healing is the very low incidence of withdrawal symptoms. The reason for this is that 50% of withdrawal symptoms are caused by the ghost and 50% is due to the bodyā€™s reaction to having less of the addictive substance. With spiritual practice the addict overcomes the 50% part due to the ghost. The remaining 50% part becomes quite bearable, i.e. the person is able to physically tolerate it. The increase in sattvikta in the person due to spiritual practice increases his or her tolerance.

Complement spiritual efforts with prayers. The prayers can be on the following lines:

  • God, please grace me with the intellectual conviction to begin spiritual practice.
  • God, please grace me with the strength to begin and persevere with my spiritual practice.
  • God, please grace me with constant remembrance of chanting and prayers.
  • God, please grace me with the strength to stay away from ā€¦..
  • God, please destroy the addictive desires in the subtle-body of the distressing ancestor or ghost.
  • God, please destroy the black energy centres in my body created by the ghost/ancestor to bring about addictive behaviour in me.
  • God, please create a protective sheath of your divine energy around me and protect me from the black energy attack by the ghost/ancestor.

Along with this, maintaining a sāttvik lifestyle helps.

It is recommended that this addiction treatment at spiritual level be continued lifelong as it will help to protect against any further attacks by negative energies.

3. Mechanism of how the three-step spiritual treatment program for addiction works

When we regularly practice theĀ three-step spiritual treatment for addictions, we increase the Sattva component within us. This in turn increases our spiritual energy and spiritual defence systems. The ghost or departed ancestor who is Raja-Tama predominant cannot tolerate it and hence is forced to leave. When this happens the person is able to give up the addictive habit immediately and live a normal and happier life.

4. Critical success factors for addiction treatment with spiritual healing

  • Consistency in spiritual practice of theĀ three-step spiritual treatment for the addiction
  • Intense desire to quit addiction, thus fuelling the will power to do so. Various other factors, such as being in an environment of spiritual practice which conforms to the six basic principles, family pressure and support, social pressure and support, etc. also strengthen our will power to give up the addiction. Will power is a very important factor in accelerating the process of rehabilitation. If one’s determination is greater than the strength of the possessing ghost, a person can quit the addiction by will power alone. Shock treatment also helps in this aspect. It is for this reason that when women become aware that they are pregnant their maternal instinct pushes their existing will power to higher levels.
  • Faith in God andĀ doing spiritualĀ practice helps to accelerate the healing process.

5. Time needed for a full cure from addictions

  • By applying the three-step program rigorously, one can expect relief from their addictive behaviour in a few weeks to a few months.
  • In some occasional cases even if the person follows the program conscientiously, the time needed to cure addiction through spiritual healing may take longer if the strength of the possessing ghost is great.
  • It will also depend on the proportion of the ghostā€™s enjoyment of the addiction versus the addictā€™s. If it is mostly the ghost enjoying it, then the person will not have much problem to give up the addiction once he starts spiritual practice and overcomes the distress. If the affinity for the substance is entirely the ghost’s, the person will be totally cured with spiritual healing.

6. Benefits of addiction treatment with spiritual healing over conventional treatments

  • Minimal cost : Compared to some expensive rehab programs, here cost is limited to the amount of time invested and the regularity of effort along with some minimal cost of rock salt. Ā If rock salt is not available one can use sea salt crystals/table salt, however the effectiveness of the remedy will reduce to 30% (of the remedy when rock-salt is used). [See article on Salt Water Remedy.]
  • Minimal withdrawal symptoms: Quite often we have seen that people who start practicing Spirituality very often are able to give up even stronger addictions without any withdrawal symptoms. They simply cannot stand the habit anymore and just give it up instantly without any side-effects.
  • Overall well-being increases: When an individual takes up spiritual practice not only does his or her immediate need to overcome addictions get resolved, but also their entire life takes a turn for the better. Some of the benefits of spiritual practice are listed below:

7. Cases where addiction stops all of a sudden with no apparent cause

In a few cases, we find that the addiction stops suddenly without any apparent reason or effort. This is explained at a spiritual level in the following way:

  • The addicted person has completed his destiny of suffering through the particular addiction.
  • The addicted person has completed his ā€˜give-and-take accountā€™ with the subtle-body of the particular ancestor or ghost (demon, devil, negative energy etc.).
  • The subtle-body finds a more suitable body for fulfilling its craving.
  • The subtle-body completes its suffering of being trapped by its desire and moves to a higher region or sub-region of existence.

8. In summary and what you can do with this research

  • Spiritual research on addictions indicates that often the root cause for the addiction is found in the spiritual dimension.
  • Without taking the spiritual dimension into account, people involved in rehabilitating addicts will have limited success in most cases.
  • If you know of someone who needs help with an addiction treatment please email this article to them.
  • We have also provided a roadmap and a framework for addiction treatment. We urge rehab centres and institutions involved with addictions to include the spiritual treatment that is suggested in this article along with their usual treatment regime.
  • If putting the addiction treatment advised in this article into practice helps you or anyone you know overcome their addiction,Ā please let us know. Your experience will encourage others to take up spiritual practice and overcome these kinds of problems in their lives.

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