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Prevention of negative thoughts – C1 Autosuggestion technique

Prevention of negative thoughts – C1 Autosuggestion technique

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1. Introduction to the C1 type of Autosuggestion

In 2005, the National Science Foundation published an article regarding research about the number of thoughts that people have per day. It estimated that the average person has about 12,000 to 60,000 thoughts per day. Of those, 80% are negative and 95% are exactly the same repetitive thoughts as the day before and among those too, 80% are negative. (, 2005, as cited in Antanaityte,

Based on this research, the percentage of negative thoughts is alarming and is also an indication of why the world is in its current negative state. This is because behind every incorrect action there is an incorrect thought arising from personality defects and ego. Such negative thoughts influence our actions, relationships, view of the world and also the environment. Additionally, negative energies magnify the adverse effect of negative thoughts in people. Refer to spiritual research on soil and water, which is an indication of the negativity in society.

With the volume of thoughts going through each person’s mind, our minds are like a busy zebra crossing something like the Shibuya Crossing in Tokyo, Japan (shown on the left). Our thoughts are akin to the millions of people that randomly come and go through the crossing.

It is difficult to catch or put a finger on any one of the flurries of thoughts that run through our minds with great speed.  It is when we need to concentrate on an important task at hand, do we become somewhat aware of the number of thoughts that keep tugging at our attention and thus keep distracting us. We also become acutely aware of our thoughts when they are forcefully repetitive due to some stressful situations and we desperately wonder when it will all end.

The incessant thoughts we have through the day take up our energy. However, it is the negative thoughts and emotions, especially when they are repetitive, that can be very draining and exhausting. This is common knowledge.

What is not so commonly understood though, is that all our thoughts and feelings, including the negative ones, stem from impressions residing in our subconscious minds, which gives each of us our unique personalities. These deeply entrenched impressions in our minds have been moulded and accumulated through many lifetimes. They continually send impulses to the conscious mind in the form of thoughts. For most of us, these impulses are relentless just like the waves of the ocean which keep coming to the shore.

In our series of articles on Autosuggestions, we have covered various techniques which can help us to proactively nullify the harmful impressions of defects in our subconscious minds. However, the C1 Autosuggestion technique takes a different approach. Instead of nullifying negative impressions, it tries to quell negative thoughts from reaching the conscious mind by preventing them. In this article, we explain how it prevents thoughts and how to go about using this powerful mind healing technique.

2. Definition of the C1 Autosuggestion technique

The C1 Autosuggestion Technique is also known as the ‘Incantation or chanting technique’. It is used to prevent or block negative thoughts from entering the conscious mind. This technique uses the chanting of God’s Name to prevent such thoughts. The Name of God has tremendous positive energy associated with it, which can help to nullify negative thoughts. When used over a period of time, this technique helps to create a positive ‘Chanting Centre’ in the subconscious mind, which continuously releases positive impulses towards the conscious mind.

When one is chanting with concentration, only the impulse of chanting goes to the conscious mind as it is the strongest impulse. All other negative impulses reduce in comparison to the impulse generated from chanting God’s Name, thus losing their power to enter the conscious mind. Hence, by chanting, one is able to prevent negative thoughts or emotions from entering one’s mind.

To give you an example of how this works, let’s say we have a piece of rope. If we were to put a much longer rope next to it, then the original piece of rope would lose significance. Likewise, when the ‘Chanting Centre’ becomes more prominent, concomitantly the other impressions have a lesser influence over the conscious mind. So, by practising the C1 Autosuggestion technique regularly and thus increasing one’s chanting, the subconscious mind becomes spiritually purer and it is easier to overcome impressions of personality defects. C1 Autosuggestions help to reduce excessive thoughts, which helps to keep us calm and in control.

3. The format to frame a C1 type of Autosuggestion

The C1 Autosuggestion is used to direct the mind towards positivity when it is idle or not engaged in some constructive activity. The Autosuggestion instructs the mind to engross itself in chanting God’s Name or repeating a positive sentence or phrase.

The following are some typical examples of a C1 Autosuggestion.

Autosuggestion: ‘Whenever I am not engaged in useful thought or conversation with anybody, I will start repeating <a name, a word or a sentence>.’

Autosuggestion: ‘Whenever I am not talking to anyone or when I have unwanted thoughts, I will start chanting’.

4. Usage and benefits of the C1 Autosuggestion

Benefits of C1 Autosuggestion

The C1 Autosuggestion has a very positive effect on the mind. This technique is useful as it :

  • Helps to reduce the number of thoughts or feelings coming to the mind
  • Prevents negative and repetitive unwanted thoughts from coming into the mind
  • Breaks negative thought patterns and looping thoughts
  • Engages the mind positively
  • Conserves mental energy and increases stress-tolerance and therefore it is useful in all psychiatric illnesses.

Every day there are many times when we are alone. We may be engaged in mundane activities like cooking, cleaning, driving, having a shower, etc. However, the mind remains active. Partly, it is focussed on the task at hand, but at the same time, it is immersed in other unnecessary thoughts. Even when we are in a conversation with someone, our minds can wander and be elsewhere. C1 Autosuggestions facilitate chanting, and as a result, keep the mind in the present moment.

C1 Autosuggestions can be taken every day along with other types of Autosuggestions.

5. More examples of C1 type of Autosuggestions

Example of a C1 Autosuggestion for negative thoughts

The following are some other examples of how one can frame a C1 Autosuggestion.

  • ‘Whenever I have anxious, worrisome, disturbing or negative thoughts, I will start chanting God’s Name.’
  • ‘Whenever I have undesirable thoughts related to anxiety, worry, or a disturbing or negative event, I will start chanting God’s Name.’

Here, at the end instead of saying chanting God’s Name, we can also frame the Autosuggestion in the following way.

‘Whenever I have anxious, worrisome, disturbing or negative thoughts, I will stop it and I will start chanting Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya.’

  • Whenever there is any undesirable thought, emotion or act resulting from the defects in my personality, I will become aware of it and start chanting.
  • Whenever I am not involved in any constructive activity, I will become aware of it and begin chanting God’s Name.
  • Whenever I am not engaged in useful conversation with anybody or I have inappropriate thoughts in my mind, I will realise that to eradicate impressions of personality defects, to form impressions of desirable qualities and strengthen them in my subconscious mind, Chanting God’s Name is beneficial. So, I will start chanting ‘Om Namo Bhagwate Vasudevaya’.

We can have a slight variation in the Autosuggestion by replacing the last part of the Autosuggestion. Instead of saying chanting God’s Name, we can also use a positive phrase to end the Autosuggestion. Examples of such Autosuggestions are given below.

  • ‘Whenever I keep thinking about past events that make me sad, I will repeat that I am now in the present, I am content and calm’
  • ‘Whenever I have undesirable thoughts, which make me anxious, I will repeat that I am relaxed, cheerful and calm’.

It is recommended that for the C1 Autosuggestion, when instructing the mind to repeat something, it is best if it is chanting God’s Name. When it is a positive phrase, one derives psychological benefit from it. However, when it is chanting God’s Name along with the psychological benefit of taking the Autosuggestion one gets the spiritual benefit as well.

Divine energy from Chanting God’s Name overcomes negative impressions in the subconscious mind. Also, new negative impressions are not formed. This leads to the mind becoming more stable, overall stress is reduced and we feel calmer.

6. How does chanting work and the mechanism of the C1 Autosuggestion

The strongest impressions and centres in the subconscious mind create the strongest thoughts, and these are the ones that enter the conscious mind. At any given time, the conscious mind has the capacity to allow in only 1 single thought and it’s always the strongest thought.

As we keep chanting God’s Name, the other impressions and centres in the mind receive very little attention. By being continually ignored, the other centres lessen in strength and eventually they cease to exist.

Please refer to ‘How chanting affects the subconscious mind through the Deflection method’.

7. Conclusion

To overcome negative impressions in our minds that have accumulated over many lifetimes on our own strength is difficult. Chanting the Name of God is like taking God’s help and accessing His Divine energy. As a result, it is easier to reduce the strength of the negative impressions. Autosuggestions are a tried and tested method to experience positivity and bring about lasting changes to our personalities. C1 Autosuggestions conserve one’s energy and engage the mind positively.

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