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positive changes in marisa

AfterĀ my father passed away in 1985, I suffered terribly and decided to terminate relations with a violent family that had caused me so much pain throughout my life. While I was saddened by my father’s passing, I knew that for my safety and survival, I needed to break free from the violence. I also felt in my heart that my father was watching over me, in spirit, so I was not worried about the hardships that lay before me. During that time in my life, I did not know about ancestral problems, so I held on tightly to my fatherā€™s spirit instead of holding on to God. I was stuck in a vicious cycle. Then, after suffering for decades from abusive relationships, financial difficulties, panic attacks and anxiety, I found grace when I was introduced to the Spiritual Science Research Foundation (SSRF).

In June of 2012, when I lost my job my life spiraled downward fast. I found SSRF through Facebook for the first time, but I was not ready to change my views. Still not knowing about ancestral problems, I thought I was doing well by holding on to my fatherā€™s spirit. I was not ready to let go of him. In October of 2013, I relocated to a new city and began a new job. I knew I needed to make a change in my spiritual practice. My intention was to begin a new life, so I needed to let go of something so I could start anew. I did not know what I had to let go of.Ā  Then in November of 2013, I was again introduced to SSRF through Facebook. I understood that this was my second chance. Finally, by the grace of God, I began spiritual practice under the guidance of SSRF and my life transformed within a short period of time.

I have been in spiritual practice with SSRF for four months now and I have already experienced many blessings. I started with chanting and attending satsang. Now, my spiritual practice consists of:

1) Chanting the Name of God

2) Sacrifice of time by doing satsēvāĀ (service unto the Absolute Truth)

3) Hathayoga daily practices in the morning

4) Sacrifice of wealth by living a very simple lifestyle and purchasing the Holy Texts from the SSRF website.

My spiritual practice has become my lifestyle. I work full-time and have a son aged 18, that I have raised on my own.

In the short time that I have been doing spiritual practice under the guidance of SSRF, I have experienced many changes in myself.

Live Collective Meditation Sessions

Join live meditations with Sadguru Cyriaque Vallee and experience the healing energy of six DivineĀ mantras.

Physical changes

My skin has softened; it feels silky compared to before when my skin was dry and flakey. My face always feels flushed and warm, as if I have just completed a rigorous workout; my cheeks are rosy and glowing. I reduced the amount of make-up that I wear. I noticed that my hair is silky, soft, and lustrous as before it was dry, brittle and dull. I do not have to spend too much time with the blow dryer, as I like wearing it in a bun most of the time. Another change that I noticed is that my body is slowly shrinking back to my youthful shape. (SSRF Editorā€™s note: These changes on body level have occurred due to Divine energy acquired through chanting.)

I now enjoy a vegetarian diet. I find it interesting that I enjoy drinking cowā€™s milk. In the past I did not like to drink milk. It is almost as if God tells me what to eat. I feel lots of positive energy when I eat foods that are sāttvik. (SSRF Editorā€™s note: These changes have occurred due to an increase of theĀ Sattva component in Marisa.)

Mental changes

My outlook on life has changed dramatically. I am no longer interested in the worldly things that most people are, such as career, travel and luxuries. I enjoy the small apartment that I share with my son and my dog. I do not even like to drive anymore. I enjoy walking everywhere or taking the bus. I am content with my job and small salary. I notice more and more that I do not need many material things to be happy in life.

I have transformed into a peaceful andĀ grateful person. I no longer live in fear, panic and worry. My emotional state is balanced as love and gratitudeĀ are atĀ the core of my being.

Spiritual Changes

I started feeling inner love for others, regardless of how they treat me. I feel love even for those who have abused me in the past. At work, when I have conflicts with co-workers or customers, instead of acting out in anger, I sit quietly, accept the situation and chant. I know I am not perfect, as I sometimes become impatient with people who live excessively in the material world; when this happens, immediately I begin to pray to God for help and to surrender such thoughts. I experience Bliss sometimes and can chant with ease.

I am in awe about how my life has changed in such a short time. The past seems so far away. Now, as I live in peace, love and gratitude, I have developed a strong desire to pay it forward by doing Service unto the Absolute Truth (satsēvā).

– Ms. Marisa Di Tommaso, WA, USA

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