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Best usage of SSRF incense sticks for maximum benefit

SSRF advises continuation of conventional medical treatment along with spiritual healing remedies for the treatment of physical and psychiatric illnesses.

Readers are advised to take up any spiritual healing remedy at their own discretion.

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Q1: How often should I light SSRF incense sticks?

Answer: It is recommended that incense sticks be lit in the range of two to five times a day. This depends on the extent of distress experienced by the person or the premises. It is especially beneficial to light incense sticks at the time of sunrise and sunset. Lighting it at sunrise helps to dispel the negative black energy that may have built up during the period of night and lighting it at sunset is a preventive measure to curtail black energy of ghosts that is generated after sundown.

Lighting incense sticks before one goes to sleep helps in reducing the probability of attack by ghosts or departed ancestors during sleep.

Q2: How many SSRF incense sticks should I light at a time?

Answer: This depends on spiritual level and the level of distress experienced by the person or that is present in the premises. By spiritual level, we mean the spiritual maturity or spiritual capacity of the person and it is a function of the reduction of our identification with the five senses, mind and intellect and instead identification with the God (Soul) within.

As per spiritual level:

  • Above 60% spiritual level there is no need for incense sticks as the inherent spiritual strength of the person itself is high.
  • Between 50-60% spiritual levels, lighting one incense stick at a time is enough.
  • Below 50% spiritual level, it is recommended that one lights at least two incense sticks for optimal benefit.

As per the extent of distress: On average two incense sticks are enough at any given time. However if distress faced is a lot, then up to five incense sticks can be lit five times a day to spiritually cleanse the premises or reduce the black covering on a person.

Q3: How do I use the lit SSRF incense sticks?

Answer: To spiritually cleanse a premises, one can take the lit incense sticks on a plate around the house. The plate collects any ash that may fall and thereby prevents it being trod upon. In taking the lit incense sticks around the house, it is best to take the plate closer to the walls and corners, going in a clockwise motion around the house. It is best that one chants while taking the incense stick around the house as it has added benefit. The chanting can either be done loudly or in oneā€™s mind.

Refer to the article on ā€“ ā€˜What Name of God should one chant?ā€™

It is advisable to light and keep separate incense sticks for each floor.

Q4: What is the radius of effect of a lit SSRF incense stick?

Answer: The radius of maximum effect of an incense stick is 5 metres in all directions. This includes the direction above and below. The reason the effect can go between floors is that most of the spiritual effect is in the subtle i.e. we cannot see it.

After taking the lit incense stick around the house and then placing it in a central place it generally covers the full area of an average house (2-4 bedrooms). For rooms where one feels a subtle negative pressure the incense sticks can be placed there itself.

Q5: What is the reason some people are allergic to SSRF incense sticks?

Answer: Spiritual research indicates the following reasons on average why people are allergic to the fragrance emitted from incense sticks.

Why some are allergic to incense sticks

Q6: Which is the best fragrance of SSRF incense sticks for me?

Answer: SSRF has developed incense sticks of those specific fragrances that are most likely to be required by people affected by negative energy in the current era and to help in increasing spiritual purity.

The best way to determine which incense stick is required for you is by actual trial and error. The type of incense stick fragrance that gives maximum distress such as headache etc. to you is the one that is most required for you. This is because any symptoms such as headache or breathlessness or nausea are due to a subtle-battle ensuing between the negative forces troubling you and positive energy emanating from the incense sticks.

In the table below, we have provided the likelihood of the fragrances that one will require on average. You can start your experiment with Jasmine (Chameli) as it has the highest likelihood of being the one for you.

Fragrance of incense stick Likelihood of use in spiritual healing
Jasmine (Chameli) 30%
Kewda 20%
Sandalwood (Chandan) 20%
Mogra 10%
Natural Extracts 10%

Q7: How often should I light SSRF incense stick in quick succession?

Answer: An SSRF incense stick takes approximately 40-45 minutes to burn fully. The positive after effects lasts for about 30 minutes after it finishes burning. If one finds that the distress is not alleviated after burning the first set of SSRF incense sticks, it is recommended that one lights a second set. Here the positive after effects of the 2nd set last for a period of 25 minutes. Lighting of incense sticks for a 3rd time after that does not add any significant benefit.

Benefit of incense

Q8: What benefit can I expect by lighting SSRF incense sticks?

Answer: As explained in the earlier article, when the SSRF incense sticks are lit, due to the specific fragrances used in them, specific aspects of God (deities) are attracted to them. Those who are in the vicinity benefit from the Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) of these deity principles. If one is suffering from any distress by departed ancestors or ghosts (demons, devils, negative energies, etc.) then this Divine consciousness will fight the distressing energy and the person will experience relief from whatever symptoms he was suffering due to the distress. But if one is not suffering any distress, he will experience positivity in the form of relaxation, improved chanting, thoughtless state, meditative state etc.

The same is true for the premises in that the distressing energies are removed and positive energy is generated in the premises.

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