Summary : The spiritual research team at the Maharshi Adhyatma Vishwavidyalay (also known as the Maharshi University of Spirituality), Goa, India conducted a study to analyse the subtle effect of yadnyas (yajnas) on the environment. Our research has shown that the subtle effect is in fact the catalyst for further physical and psychological effects. A positive subtle effect on the environment eventually brings about various positive changes such as a reduction in extreme weather events, purification of the environment at the level of soil, water and air and also the well-being of society. By studying the auras of various samples /before and after the yadnyas (yajnas), it was observed that the auras became significantly more positive. On average, the positive aura in the samples increased by 301%. The distance from the yadnyas (yajnas) did not affect the influence that the yadnyas (yajnas) had on the environment. The yadnyas’ (yajnas’) positive effects were observed in places more than 6500 km away immediately after the yadnyas (yajnas).
Table of Contents
- 1. Introduction to a study on the effect of yadnyas (yajnas) on the environment
- 2. Designing the experiment to study the effect of yadnyas on the environment
- 3. Key findings on the effect of yadnyas on the environment
- 3.1 Practising Spirituality leads to positivity at home and increases the ability to imbibe positive vibrations emitted by yadnyas
- 3.2 A residual effect of increased positivity and decreased negativity
- 3.3 Air was more affected by the yadnyas than soil and water
- 3.4 Distance was not a barrier in places gaining the benefit of the yadnyas
- 3.5 Protection against subtle negative energy attacks
- 4. The positive subtle effect of a yadnya
- 5. Conclusion
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1. Introduction to a study on the effect of yadnyas (yajnas) on the environment

A yadnya (also spelt as yajna, yagnya or yaga) is a sacred fire ceremony conducted in a ritualistic manner for a specific purpose. Yadnyas are accompanied by mantras recited in Sanskrit. They can be conducted in a minimalistic manner or can be quite elaborate. The purpose of a yadnya can be for many reasons which can include gaining good health, bringing harmony and balance to the environment, protecting against negative energies and helping seekers in their spiritual practice by removing obstacles. Yadnyas are potent spiritual tools that generate enormous amounts of positive spiritual energy, which ultimately increases well-being in society.
There have been many external independent studies conducted on the effect of yadnyas. We have listed a few such studies below:
SNo. | Study conducted on Yadnya | Key finding of the study |
1. | Research and Exploratory Study on Vajepeya Soma Yaga | Cleansing the atmosphere and boosting immunity |
2. | Scientific Study of Somyag Yadnya | Air pollution can be controlled by performing this Yadnya |
3. | Impact of Yagya on Particulate Matters | Yagya is a solution to reduce indoor air pollutants, specifically Particulate Matters and CO2 |
4. | Effects of Yagya on Environment Purification and Human Health : A Review | Heal the atmosphere and the healed atmosphere will heal you |
5. | The Integrated Science of Yagna | A compilation of various of studies on the benefit of yadnyas |
6. | Agnihotra – A Non-Conventional Solution to Air Pollution | Reduces harmful gases like NO2, CO, SPM (Suspended Particulate Matter) and RSPM (Respirable Suspended Particulate Matter) |
Table 1 : A list of various independent research studies on the effect of Yadnyas
These are just some of the many studies conducted on the physical and mental effects/benefits of yagnyas. In contrast, there are very few studies about the spiritual energy generated through a yadnya and its spiritual effects. In fact, our research has shown that it is the spiritual energy of a yadnya that is the primary reason why it is able to have a large-scale positive effect on the environment (flora and fauna included) and society at the physical, psychological and spiritual levels.

The efficacy of any yadnya depends on various factors, one of which is the resolve (sankalp) of the presiding Saint, if present. The higher the spiritual level of the presiding Saint, the greater the spiritual effect of the yadnya. In January 2022, six yadnyas were conducted at the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram, in Goa, India. The yadnyas were conducted by Saints and priests backed by the resolve (sankalp) of Paratpar Guru Dr Athavale. A Paratpar Guru is a Saint above the 90% spiritual level. It is extremely rare to find a Saint of such a high order on Earth and so it presented the spiritual research team with an unparalleled opportunity to study the spiritual effect of the 6 yadnyas at various levels.
In this article, we share some of our key findings while studying the effect of yadnyas on the environment at the spiritual level.
The six yadnyas performed were :
Date |
Yadnya performed |
14 Jan 2022 | Rajmatangi yadnya |
15 Jan 2022 | Pratyangira Devi yadnya |
16 Jan 2022 | Baglamukhi Devi yadnya |
21 Jan 2022 | Dhanvantri yadnya |
22 Jan 2022 | Mahamrutyunjay yadnya |
23 Jan 2022 | Garud yadnya |
Table 2 : Yadnyas held at the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram in Goa, in January 2022.
2. Designing the experiment to study the effect of yadnyas on the environment

To study the subtle effect of the yadnya on the environment, we used an aura and energy scanner known as the Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) along with the sixth sense of the research team. Developed by Dr Mannem Murthy (a former nuclear scientist from India), the UAS instrument can detect negativity and/or positivity in any object’s aura along with the length (or extent) of the aura.
We used the UAS to measure various samples from various locations before and after the yadnyas. The purpose was to understand how their auras changed and the extent to which their auras were affected by the yadnyas.
1. Soil, water and air samples were collected locally in and around Goa. The following were the locations from where samples were collected :
- The Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram in Goa where the 6 yadnyas were held
- 2 seekers’ houses along with their neighbours’ houses (in total 4 separate premises). Their distances from the site of the yadnyas ranged between 1.5 and 16 km.
- 2 religious sites within a kilometre away from the site of the yadnyas
2. Analysis of photographs of 3 Spiritual Centres in different cities located in India and overseas. The Spiritual Centres were located in the following cities.
Spiritual Centre Location | Approximate distance in kilometres (km) from the seat of the yadnyas in Goa |
Near Mumbai, India | Over 500 km |
Varanasi, India | Over 1700 km |
Thale, Germany | Over 6800 km |
Table 3 : Cities in India and overseas where the effect of the yadnyas were analysed
Photographs were taken of the 3 Spiritual Centres before and after the yadnyas. The subtle vibrations of each of the photos were measured with the help of the UAS. Also using a videoconference link, live images of soil, water and air samples were measured from these places using the UAS. These samples were collected before and after the yadnyas. The photographs/live images that were taken in Germany were taken at the same time the yadnyas were held in India.
3. Using sixth sense
To truly analyse the subtle effect of a yadnya, sixth sense of an advanced level is needed. The Spiritual Research Team along with seekers who draw pictures based on subtle knowledge analysed the effect of the yadnyas.
3. Key findings on the effect of yadnyas on the environment
The following is the summary of some of the key findings that we observed in relation to how yadnyas affect the environment :
- Practising Spirituality leads to positivity at home (within the premises) and increases the ability to imbibe positive vibrations emitted by yadnyas.
- It was noticed that there was a residual effect of increased positivity and decreased negativity in the environment even well after the yadnya was completed.
- Out of the elements, the air was more positively affected by the yadnyas as compared to soil (earth) and water.
- The distance a place was from the yadnya(yajna) did not pose a barrier to that place gaining the benefit of the yadnya.
- A yadnya has the ability to overcome strong negative energy attacks.
3.1 Practising Spirituality leads to positivity at home and increases the ability to imbibe positive vibrations emitted by yadnyas
3.1.1 Seekers’ homes showed increased positivity even prior to the yadnya being performed
In our article on – ‘Spiritual vibrations in the home and their effects’, we explained how the residents within any given premises were the single most important contributing factor to the type of subtle vibrations found within those premises. Depending on their thoughts, attitudes, intentions and actions they could either increase positivity or negativity in the premises at the subtle level. The decisions of these same residents will dictate how their premises are used and their décor. These two factors (i.e., the nature of the residents and how the premises are used) play an integral role in deciding the nature of the spiritual vibrations emitted by any given premises. Our research has shown that people who regularly practised Spirituality as per Universal principles are more likely to emit positive vibrations and hence, they would positively affect the premises they inhabited. They are also more likely to attract Divine protective energy from God.
At the outset, it is important to note that in recent times, we have found that the negative vibrations present in the environment all around the world are of a much higher magnitude than they were prior to 2019. As a result, residences of both seekers and other people alike have increased levels of negative vibrations associated with them. This is because both types of residences are influenced by the overall negativity in the environment. However, when we compare the negative vibrations in seekers’ residences vs. other people’s residences (or even their neighbour’s residences), the negative vibrations found in seekers’ residences are much less. At the same time, positive vibrations are found to be much higher in seekers’ residences as opposed to residences of their neighbours who do not practise Spirituality.
To illustrate this point, we would like to share an example of the aura readings of a seeker’s house vs. her neighbour’s house taken prior to the commencement of the first yadnya. These aura readings have been taken using the Universal Aura Scanner (UAS).
Table 4: A comparison of negative vibrations found in a seeker’s residence vs. her neighbour’s residence
As you can see from the above readings from 2 adjacent houses, the negativity in the soil and water samples obtained from the seeker’s house was approximately 40% less negative than for her neighbour’s house, where the residents were not practising Spirituality. In the case of the air samples, the sample from the seeker’s house was 25% less negative than that from her neighbour’s house. The reason for the lesser difference in air sample readings was because air can move more freely between premises.
Table 5: A comparison of positive vibrations found in a seeker’s residence vs. her neighbour’s residence
As you can see from the above readings, there was no positivity detected in any of the samples obtained from the neighbour’s house. In comparison, all the samples from the seeker’s house had a positive aura, to begin with. Such differences in readings have been consistently observed when comparing soil, water and air samples between seekers’ houses and their neighbours’ houses where the residents are not doing any spiritual practice.
3.1.2 Yadnyas positively influence all soil, water and air samples collected locally
A key finding in the experiments conducted during the 6 yadnyas is that this sacred ritual was able to increase the positive vibrations of soil, water and air samples in areas many miles away from the place where the yadnya was conducted. On average, the positive aura in the soil, water and air samples collected locally in that region increased by 302% after the yadnyas.
However, what was observed in this case is that the seeker’s house (about 16 km away from the place of the yadnya) was able to imbibe positivity to a greater extent as compared to her neighbour’s house (just adjacent to hers). (Please note : The neighbour was not practising Spirituality.)
In the graph shown below, it can be seen how the positivity in the soil samples progressively increased before and after each yadnya. These yadnyas were held on three consecutive days. With each successive yadnya, you will notice that the trendline of the increase in positivity in the seeker’s house (red line in the graph below) was much steeper as compared to the neighbour’s house (which is the grey line in the graph below). This indicates that the seeker’s house was able to imbibe positivity from the yadnya to a greater degree.
Graph 1 : A comparison of how soil samples were positively affected by yadnyas that were held on 3 successive days
3.2 A residual effect of increased positivity and decreased negativity
What you will also notice from graph 1 is that there was a residual positive effect of the yadnya performed each day. For example, the seeker’s soil sample had a 1.35-meter positive aura before the first yadnya. After the first yadnya, the positive aura went up to 3.78 metres. The next day, when we took another reading to check the positive aura of a soil sample from the seeker’s home premises before the 2nd yadnya, it was 3.20 metres. This is considerably greater than the 1.35-metre positive aura recorded the day before, and it shows that the soil was able to retain the positivity from the yadnya held the previous evening.
3.3 Air was more affected by the yadnyas than soil and water
Another key finding was that the air samples showed a greater propensity for imbibing the positivity from the yadnyas as compared to the soil and water samples. As you can see from the graph below, the positive aura detected in the air sample in the seeker’s house increased from 0.54 metres to 15.06 metres (2688%) after the 3 yadnyas. In comparison, the positivity in the soil sample in the seeker’s house increased to a lesser degree from 1.35 metres to 8.58 metres (535%) after the 3 yadnyas – See graph below.
Graph 2 : A comparison between the increase in positivity found in soil, water and air samples before and after the yadnyas
In some circles, there is a misconception that the smoke from a yadnya pollutes the environment. However, this is far from the truth. This is because firstly, the smoke emitted by a sacred fire has spiritual healing properties. Secondly, the spiritual energy that is emitted from the Yajna-kund (sacred fire pit) purifies the environment at the physical, psychological and spiritual levels. Many scientific studies have shown how harmful bacteria and pollutants reduce in the environment after a yadnya is performed. Refer to table 1.
3.4 Distance was not a barrier in places gaining the benefit of the yadnyas
In the previous sections, we shared our findings on how areas in and around the same city (i.e., up to a distance of 16 kilometres), from where the yadnya was held, were positively affected by the yadnya. Soil, water and air samples that were measured showed significant increases in positivity and reductions in negativity.
But what about other cities or other countries? Can a yadnya held in a particular location positively affect the environment in other cities and countries?
To study this phenomenon, we conducted another experiment to study the effect of a yadnya held at the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram in Goa (India) on Spiritual Centres in 3 different cities many hundreds and thousands of kilometres away. One of the cities was in fact in a different country, which was Germany.
It has been our experience that photographs contain the subtle vibrations of any object (living or non-living). This is based on the spiritual principle that :
This means that if there is a change in the spiritual vibrations associated with any object, photographs will also capture these differences. This is because photographs are an exact replica (a snapshot in time) of the form of any person, place or object. So basically, by taking a UAS reading of the photograph (in this case of a Spiritual Centre), we can also gain an understanding of the aura (the associated subtle energy field) of that place in that photograph.
In line with this principle, we asked people locally to take photographs of Spiritual Centres based in Mumbai (India), Varanasi (India) and Germany before and after the yadnya. The local time that the photographs were taken matched the time of the yadnya as per Indian Standard Time. We wanted to see if there was a change in the subtle vibrations associated with these photographs using the UAS.
In the graph below, we have shown one example of how the photographs of these Spiritual Centres were affected over the course of the Rajmatangi yadnya. This was the first yadnya that was held.
Table 6 : Study of the subtle effect of yadnyas over long distances by taking a UAS reading of the photographs of the Spiritual Centres
As you can see from table 6 above, the spiritual vibrations from the photos taken of the Spiritual Centres before and after the Rajmatangi yadnya have a significant difference. The distance of these Spiritual Centres from the actual location where the yadnya was held is provided in column 2. The table shows that all the photographs of the Spiritual Centres increased in positivity and reduced in negativity. With each successive yadnya, the trend observed was that the positive aura of the photographs kept on increasing whilst the negative aura kept on reducing after each yadnya was performed.
This trend of increase in positivity was also observed in soil, water and air samples. In the table below, we have provided one such example of the UAS readings of air samples taken before and after the Garud yadnya. This was the 6th and the last yadnya held at the Spiritual Research Centre in January 2022.
Table 7 : Increase in positivity and reduction in negativity of air samples after the Garud yadnya
As you can see from the above table, the negativity in the auras of all the air samples was eliminated. The positivity increased in all the air samples. The air sample from the furthest Spiritual Centre (Germany) recorded one of the highest increases in positivity, that is 1330%. This shows that spiritual energy does not dissipate with increased distance. The Energy of Resolve (Sankalp) associated with a yadnya is not affected by the distance from where the yadnya is held. It also shows that the spiritual energy of a yadnya is a powerful tool that can increase spiritual positivity in the world.
3.5 Protection against subtle negative energy attacks
Yadnyas are powerful spiritual tools that have an immensely positive impact on society and the environment, which includes flora and fauna. Their potency depends on many factors, one of which is the presiding Saint, whose resolve underpins the yadnya. As yadnyas spiritually cleanse the environment and fight against negative energies, very often we have seen that negative energies try to fight back in return. As an example, the below table shows the effect of the yadnyas on the air samples collected at the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram in Goa, India before and after the yadnyas were conducted.
Table 8 : How yadnyas protect against subtle negative energy attacks.
- As you will notice, for the first three yadnyas there were no negative auras detected in any of the air samples before or after each yadnya.
- Along with this, in the first three yadnyas, the positive aura of the air samples kept increasing from 95% to 147% to 208%.
- Then before the 4th, 5thand 6th yadnyas, negative auras were detected in the air samples at the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram in Goa. This sudden increase in negativity at the Spiritual Research Centre is unusual.
- Along with the negative auras, there was a greater reduction in the positive aura (as compared to the previous day) detected in the samples before the 4th, 5thand 6th yadnyas as compared to the yadnyas numbered 1 to 3. For example, on the first yadnya the positive aura went from 7.24 metres to 14.10 metres. On the following day, the positive aura dropped back to 10.65 metres. In comparison on the 5th yadnya the positive aura went up from 11.62 metres to 37.5 metres. The following day though it dropped back significantly to just 5.93 metres.
- Through sixth sense, we found that these were due to a negative energy attack. Negative energies were trying to reduce the effectiveness of the yadnyas by increasing the black energy in the area surrounding each yadnya. What was also observed was that with each successive yadnya held on the 4th, 5th and 6th days, the attacks became stronger, and this was reflected in progressively increased negativity in the soil, water and air samples before these yadnyas. Despite this, after the 4th, 5th and 6th yadnyas, the negative auras of the samples were eliminated. This shows the spiritual power of a yadnya in eliminating the effect of negative energies.
- However, it was also noticed that with each successive yadnya, the percentage increase of the positive aura of each sample kept growing.
4. The positive subtle effect of a yadnya

At the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram (in Goa, India) extensive research into the spiritual dimension is conducted using sixth sense of an advanced level. The subtle knowledge received by seekers in the spiritual research team is checked and finalised by Saints of the highest order. One medium of receiving Divine knowledge is in a visual format. The seekers who receive knowledge in such a way are known as subtle-drawing artists and they can visually perceive the subtle process during an experiment or situation and draw what they perceive and feel. These drawings are akin to spiritual X-rays and provide the average person with an unparalleled visual view into the spiritual dimension. The picture shown below depicts the positive subtle effect of a yadnya as perceived by subtle artist Her Holiness (Mrs) Yoya Vallee (who is a Saint from SSRF).
The following are some of the subtle processes that were perceived by the subtle artist.
- The artist saw the creation of rings of various types of positive energies such as Divine energy (Shakti), Divine Consciousness (Chaitanya), and Deity Principles from where the yadnya was being performed.
- A flow of Divine Energy (Shakti) in particle form was going towards God. This was to invoke the Energy of Deity Principles.
- As a result, God’s Energy was activated.
- God’s Energy was then directed to various places. This Energy will lie there in seed form and will get activated in the coming adverse times (World War 3 and Climate change) to protect seekers living in those places.
- The emission of particles of Divine Energy (Shakti) into the environment was perceived from the location of the yadnya. Along with this, there was a flow of Divine consciousness (Chaitanya). Both these positive subtle energies spread into the environment in India and across the world.
5. Conclusion
In February 2022, worldwide CO2 levels have been measured at 418 ppm (parts per million). Climatologists warn that these unprecedented, heightened levels of CO2 will only escalate the scale and intensity of climate change.
However unknown to most, there is an even deadlier and insidious pollution parameter that has reached unprecedented levels in the current times. This parameter is known as the ‘spiritual pollution’ in the world. It is measured as a rise in the proportion of the Raja and Tama subtle components in the world. We have explained this in detail in our article on the Real Causes of Climate change and how it is affecting the world. Such high levels of spiritual pollution have ramifications on a global scale, increasing the likelihood of civil unrest, war, extreme weather events and climate change. Powerful negative energies take advantage of the rise in spiritual pollution and wage a subtle battle against Divine forces. Such a subtle battle is also one of the key catalysts that are increasing discord in the world, which will eventually lead to war between nations.
This experiment shows that yadnyas are a unique spiritual tool that humanity can use to reduce the level of spiritual pollution. However, to imbibe and maintain the positivity from a yadnya, it is important that society live a sattvik or spiritually purer lifestyle and does spiritual practice as per universal principles. Efforts made to reverse the trend of increasing spiritual pollution will mitigate the problems that the world is facing and which it will face soon.