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How the Shraddha ritual can help in Ancestor Veneration

How departed ancestors benefit from the Shraddha ritual as a means of ancestor veneration conducted during Pitrupaksha (the fortnight for departed ancestral spirits)


This article studies the impact of the Shraddha ritual, a traditional practice for ancestor veneration, on both departed ancestors and their descendants. It primarily seeks to determine whether ancestors in the afterlife benefit from the ritual. The study employs the Universal Aura Scanner (UAS) to measure subtle effects objectively.

The findings indicate that the Shraddha ritual reduces negativity and increases positivity in descendants performing Shraddha. The auras of those performing the ritual improved significantly, with a 55% reduction in negativity and a 109% increase in positivity. Additionally, the photographs of departed ancestors exhibited reduced negativity (53% on average) and increased positivity (141% on average) after the ritual.

The article also discusses the impact on immediate family members, food offerings for Deities and departed ancestors and the priests involved in the ritual. Notably, Deity Dattatreya’s picture showed increased positivity. Lastly, the article mentions the increased presence of orbs in photographs and crows during the ritual. UAS readings, along with findings using the advanced sixth sense of the spiritual research team, indicate that the Shraddha ritual is a spiritually powerful practice benefiting both departed ancestors and their living descendants.

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1.Ā Do the rituals we perform for ancestor veneration help our departed ancestors in the afterlife ?

When ancestors pass away, every culture has customs and rituals designated not only for the funeral but also to remember and honour the dead year after year. In some cultures, this is popularly known as ancestor worship and ancestor veneration. One may wonder whether these rituals have a positive effect and can help our departed ancestors in the afterlife. Contrary to popular belief that departed ancestors from the afterlife can help their descendants who are living, it is our ancestors who, in fact, need help in the afterlife.

Given that we cannot communicate with them physically, it is difficult to assess if the rituals conducted had the desired effect. Some people use mediums or Ouija boards to communicate with the dead. However, our research shows that such practices are rife with influences from negative energies that invariably interfere with answers gained from the subtle dimension. In an earlier article – ā€˜How does the Shraddha ritual benefit descendants?ā€™, we gained an insight into how the Shraddha ritual reduces negativity and increases positivity in descendants who perform the Shraddha ritual. The Shraddha ritual is usually performed during the period of Pitrupaksha (i.e., the fortnight for departed ancestral spirits) as per the Hindu lunar calendar, which occurs sometime during the months of September and October.

In this article, we will be exploring the impact of Shraddha on departed ancestors and their descendants as a means of ancestor veneration.

2. Experiment setup and methodology to study the impact of Shraddha on departed ancestors as a means of ancestor veneration

Ideally, to study the effect of the Shraddha ritual on departed ancestors (as a means of ancestor veneration), one needs to have an advanced level of sixth sense. Using oneā€™s sixth sense is the primary way to conduct spiritual research in the spiritual dimension; the more advanced the sixth sense, the more precise the analysis and the findings.

However, nowadays, with technological advancements in aura and energy scanners, we can capture the subtle effects of such rituals more objectively. We conducted an experiment using an instrument known as the Universal Aura Scanner (UAS)Ā to study the impact of the Shraddha ritual.

Universal Aura ScannerWe studied three subjects (descendants) performing the Shraddha ritual as a means of ancestor veneration. For each Shraddha ritual, which lasted about five hours, we took before and after aura readings of the following :

  1. The descendant performing the Shraddha ritual
  2. Photographs of three departed ancestors related to the descendant performing the ritual. For the photographs, we chose departed ancestors (one to two generations apart), that is, parents, grandparents, uncles and aunts.
  3. The immediate family members present at the ritual
  4. The ritualistic food offerings for the departed ancestors and the ritualistic food offerings for the Deities
  5. Priests performing the ritual
  6. The picture of Deity Dattatreya

Regarding point number 2, that is, the photographs of the departed ancestors, we would like to share the rationale behind using such pictures in the experiment. The photographs of the departed ancestors related to each subject were placed just next to where their respective Shraddha ritual was being conducted.

Layout for the Shraddha ritual along with photographs of departed ancestors for the research experiment

Generally, the photographs of the departed ancestors are not required to be placed or displayed for the Shraddha ritual. Just by taking the names of oneā€™s departed ancestors during the various steps of the Shraddha ritual, the subtle bodies of those departed ancestors benefit with positive spiritual energy from the ritual. However, for the purposes of the experiment, so as to demonstrate the effect of the ritual on departed ancestors, we placed their photographs.

The photograph of a departed ancestor contains the subtle vibrations of that ancestor. Therefore, the vibrations of the photograph resonate with the departed ancestorā€™s subtle body in the afterlife. When the departed ancestor benefits in the subtle because his or her name was taken during the Shraddha ritual, then by the tuning fork mechanism, that spiritual energy also resonates into that departed ancestorā€™s photograph placed next to the ritual.

So, if the aura of the photograph of the departed ancestor became more positive after the Shraddha ritual, it would mean that the particular departed ancestor also gained positive spiritual energy. This spiritual energy helps to provide the departed ancestorā€™s subtle body with momentum (gati) in the afterlife, thereby ensuring that they can move to a better subtle plane. Accordingly, it reduces their distress and suffering in the afterlife. Incidentally, our spiritual research shows that most departed ancestors get stuck in their onward journey in the afterlife for various reasons, which include having low spiritual energy, being attached to their worldly life and being attacked by negative energies from the spiritual dimension.

3. Findings from the experiment to study the benefit of the Shraddha ritual as a means of ancestor veneration

3.1 Effect of the Shraddha ritual on the descendant performing it

On average, after the Shraddha ritual, the negativity in the auras of the three subject-descendants performing the Shraddha ritual was reduced by 55%. The UAS instrument detects two types of negativity in auras : Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is called IR or Infrared and is related to a lesser form of negativity. Type 2, called UV or Ultraviolet, is related to a more dense form of negative vibrations.


Effect of the Shraddha ritual on the person performing the ritual

On average, the positivity in the auras of the three subject-descendants performing the Shraddha ritual more than doubled (which was a 109% increase).

Positive effect of the Shraddha ritual on the performer

3.2 Effect on the photographs of departed ancestors related to the descendant performing the ritual

Using the UAS, aura readings of the photographs of the nine departed ancestors chosen for the experiment were taken. (Three departed ancestors for each of the three subject-descendants performing Shraddha equals nine departed ancestors in total.)

A reduction in negativity

In the chart below, we have provided the negativity found in the aura readings of the photographs of departed ancestors before and after the Shraddha ritual.

Effect of the Shraddha ritual on the departed ancestorsā€™ photographs

Across all the subjects, there was a reduction in the negativity in the photographs of their departed ancestors. On average, the negative aura of the departed ancestors’ photographs was reduced by 53% after the ritual.

An increase in positivity

In the chart below, we have shared the positive aura readings detected in the departed ancestorsā€™ photographs before and after the Shraddha ritual.

 Positive effect of the Shraddha ritual on the departed ancestorsā€™ photographs

All the positive auras in the departed ancestorsā€™ photographs showed a significant increase in positivity after the Shraddha ritual. On average, their positive auras increased by 141%. The photographs of two departed ancestors did not have any positive aura to begin with. However, after the ritual, they gained positive aura readings of 3.28 and 4.27 metres.

Important note :

  1. The changes in the negative and positive aura readings differed for each departed ancestor. This showed that each departed ancestorā€™s propensity to imbibe positivity and eliminate negativity differed considerably from each other. This could be due to various reasons such as their spiritual level, levels of distress, spiritual emotion, destiny, etc.
  2. Also, the photographs of departed ancestors were all equally exposed to the positive vibrations of the Shraddha ritual. Yet the photographs were not equally impacted. This indicates that each photograph was impacted by how the subtle body of the respective departed ancestor was affected by the Shraddha ritual. This validates that the changes in the auras of the photographs were a reflection of what actually happened to the departed ancestors in the afterlife.

3.3 Effect on the immediate family members present at the ritual

In the image below, we have shared the average change in readings of the auras of family members of the descendants performing the Shraddha ritual.

Positive subtle effect on the auras of the immediate family members present at the Shraddha ritualThe ritual affected all the immediate family members positively, meaning they could imbibe positivity from the Shraddha ritual. An important point to note is that over many experiments, we have observed that when people practise Spirituality regularly, they have an increased ability to imbibe and retain positivity and shake off negativity.

3.4 The ritualistic food offerings for the departed ancestors and Deities

Two types of food offerings are made in the Shraddha ritual.

  1. The food offering for Deities
  2. The food offering for departed ancestors

We took UAS aura readings of both food offerings before and after the Shraddha ritual, and the findings were quite intriguing. There were three sets of before-and-after-readings of the food offerings, as there were three separate Shraddha rituals conducted for this experiment. Please refer to the chart below for the summary and average readings showing the impact of invoking the Deities and ancestors to partake of the ritualistic food offerings.

How did the aura and vibrations of the ritualistic food offerings for the departed ancestors and Deities change after they were invited to partake of the offering?

Before the experiment, you will notice that all the food offerings had a positive aura and no negative auras as this food was prepared at the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram and is pure vegetarian food. During the Shraddha ritual, there is a point in time when the Deities and departed ancestors were invoked to partake of the food offering. This is where we observed a significant change in readings depending on who consumed the food in the subtle. The food offering offered to the Deities showed a notable increase in positivity. In contrast, the food offered to the departed ancestors gained significant negativity, averaging 14.77 metres, and all the initial positivity present in the food was lost.

Deities have high levels of positivity as they are a form of God. Hence, whatever they touch also acquires positivity. On the other hand, departed ancestors are usually of a lower spiritual level, have spiritual distress and are full of unfulfilled desires. So, when they touch the food (even in the subtle), they impart negativity to the food. This was clearly observed in the UAS readings of the two types of food offerings.

3.4.1 Orbs captured in photographs during the Shraddha ritual

In another experiment, we installed a black cloth behind the area being used for the Shraddha ritual. This was so that the presence of orbs could be captured. During the Shraddha ritual, when mantrasĀ were recited to invoke the departed ancestors to partake of the food offering, we observed that there was a sudden increase in orbs against the black background. This was clearly captured in the photographs as the Shraddha ritual progressed. Immediately after the food offering time was over and the next round of rituals began, the number of orbs reduced significantly, and finally, they were not seen anymore.

Orbs as a manifestation of departed ancestors or subtle entities

Orbs as a manifestation of departed ancestors or subtle entities

Orbs as a manifestation of departed ancestors or subtle entities

Orbs as a manifestation of departed ancestors or subtle entities

Occasionally, we see the phenomenon of orbs appearing in photographs. This phenomenon has been especially apparent in recent times with the onset of digital photography. Although even in the past, with cameras using film, one could still pick up the odd orb, the number of orbs picked up with a digital camera has increased dramatically, especially when used with a flash.

The appearance of orbs can have the following explanations :

At a physical level :

  • Due to camera anomalies, camera shake, lens flare, etc.
  • Due to environmental factors : Dust, pollen, moisture, microscopic particles caught by the flash of the camera

At a spiritual level (through spiritual research) we discovered that orbs are a manifestation of subtle bodies (lingadeha) from various planes of existence in the spiritual dimension. They can be positive or negative, which can be determined by their physical attributes as seen in the photographs and ultimately through subtle analysis through an advanced level of sixth sense.

3.5 Subtle analysis of what happens when food is offered during the Shraddha ritual

In this experiment so far, we have shown readings obtained from an aura and energy scanner, which is the Universal Aura Scanner (UAS). Whilst these instruments provide insight into what is happening in the subtle, only through the use of a personā€™s sixth sense, can an accurate subtle analysis be obtained. The more advanced a personā€™s sixth sense is, the more precise the readings are. Some members of the spiritual research team have the gift of subtle vision, which enables them to perceive the subtle aspects of an event just as we perceive the physical dimension. These seekers draw what they perceive in the subtle, which are like spiritual X-rays, providing us with a rare view into the inner workings of the spiritual dimension.

3.5.1 Food offered to departed ancestors

This is a subtle picture drawn by a seeker-artist showing the subtle process taking place when departed ancestors are invited to partake of the ritualistic food offering during the Shraddha ritual.

 What happens when food is offered to departed ancestors during the Shraddha ritual (during Pitrupaksha)

During the Shraddha ritual, mantrasĀ are recited to invoke the departed ancestors and invite them to partake of the food offering. Divine energy is attracted towards the food. A ring of Divine energy is then activated around the food, which then gets emitted into the environment. With this, the subtle bodies of departed ancestors from the spiritual dimension are also attracted towards the food. Due to the Divine energy of the mantras,Ā they can partake of the food. Departed ancestors have spiritually impure vibrations associated with them. This is because of their lower spiritual level, unfulfilled desires and attachments to worldly life. As a result, when they partake of the food, the food imbibes their spiritually impure vibrations and hence gets filled with negative vibrations. This is why the UAS readings also showed increased levels of negativity after the departed ancestors were invited to partake of the ritualistically prepared food.

3.5.2 Food offered to Deities

What happens when food is offered to Deities during the Shraddha ritual (during Pitrupaksha)

When the food offering is being made to the Deities, a ring of spiritual emotion (bhav) forms at the descendant’s heart chakra (Anahat-chakra) who is performing the Shraddha ritual. Through the mantras,Ā as the Deities are invoked to partake of the ritualistic food offering, a flow of Divine Energy (Shakti) is attracted to the descendant, which in turn activates a ring of Saviour energy (Tarak Shakti) in him. This Saviour energy spreads throughout his body and through his hand flows into the food. Also, there is an attraction of a flow of Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) at the descendant’s heart chakra, which gets accumulated at the heart chakra and benefits the descendant performing the Shraddha ritual.

3.6 Effect on the priests and the picture of Deity Dattatreya

The two presiding priests were positively affected by performing the Shraddha ritual. As you can see from the chart below, the negativity in their auras reduced, and the positivity in their auras increased. There was no negativity detected in Deity Dattatreyaā€™s photograph before or after the ritual.

The two presiding priests were positively affected by performing the Shraddha ritual. As you can see from the chart below, the negativity in their auras reduced, and the positivity in their auras increased. There was no negativity detected in Deity Dattatreyaā€™s photograph before or after the ritual.

One of the functions of Deity Dattatreya in the Universe is alleviating the distress caused by the subtle bodies of ancestors.

For the Shraddha ritual, a print of a digital painting of Deity Dattatreya was placed towards the East. UAS readings of the picture were taken before and after the Shraddha ritual. Deity Dattatreyaā€™s picture had no negativity, and only positivity in its aura before the Shraddha ritual. At the start, the positive aura of Deity Dattatreyaā€™s picture was 17 metres. After the ritual, the negativity remained at 0 metres (indicating no negativity was found); however, the positivity in its aura increased to 25.1 metres.

4. Crows flock to the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram just after the Shraddha ritual

After the experiment mentioned earlier where orbs were seen in greater numbers, towards the end of the Shraddha ritual, crows flocked to Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram. They were seen on the electrical lines and the branches of trees near the Ashram entrance.

Crows flock to the Spiritual Research Centre and Ashram just after the Shraddha ritual

For more information about the importance of crows in the Shraddha ritual and Pitrupaksh, do read the article – Significance of feeding crows during the Shraddha ritual in Pitrupaksha.

5. Conclusion

Spiritual research shows that the Shraddha ritual is a spiritually powerful ritual that goes a long way in helping our departed ancestors in the afterlife. It is recommended that every family performs the ritual once a year during Pitrupaksha, which is the fortnight for departed ancestral spirits. One can take the help of a priest or, if that is not possible, learn about the alternative methods to perform Shraddha in a simple manner.

It is important to note that during Pitrupaksha, chanting ā€˜Shri Gurudev Dattaā€™ has 50% spiritual benefit. The other 50% spiritual benefit comes from performing the ā€˜Shraddha ritualā€™. These two practices are very effective and are recommended for Ancestor worship and Ancestor veneration as part of one’s familialĀ duty.

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