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Spiritual experience about Holy ash (Vibhuti) from SSRF incense sticks

Lack of tiredness after washing utensils with dishwashing powder mixed with Holy ash derived from SSRF incense sticks

Spiritual experience with Vibhuti

I had read about and also experienced the benefit derived from Divine consciousness (Chaitanya) in the Holy ash derived from SSRF incense sticks. As I used to feel very tired after cleaning utensils, I decided to mix Holy ash derived from SSRF incense sticks with dishwashing powder so that the Divine consciousness in it would alleviate my tiredness. That day I did not feel any tiredness after washing utensils. Since then I have been regularly mixing this Holy ash in the dishwashing powder. As a result, I do not feel tired while washing dishes. Also, the utensils appear cleaner and more blissful than before.

ā€“ Mrs. Rajashri Kulkarni, India.



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