Ghosts exist in a variety of places on Earth. They can create a place for themselves in living and non-living objects. << Previous Next >> Common Ghost dwelling on trees The seeker saw this ghost one night when she had casually closed her eyes. She was startled and opened her eyes. Its form was weird like palm leaves. It tried to come close to the seeker trying to intimidate her. She saw it on another afternoon too. Common Ghost dwelling in tufts of shed hair Another seeker perceived foul smell while looking at this picture. Common Ghost dwelling in holes on trees The seeker saw this ghost soon after she had watched the movie – The Ant. It resembled an ant, but was scary. It lives in the holes on trees. Common Ghosts found on roads The seeker first saw a ghost with its mouth wide open standing about 40 feet from her. On a closer look, she found that there were many ghosts of the size of man with their hands interlocked. These were ghosts of people who had died in road accidents.