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Principles of spiritual research

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1. Differences between modern sciences and spiritual sciences

Let us first explore the differences between modern sciences and spiritual sciences before we look at the differences in research method.

2. The principles of spiritual research

The following are the principles of spiritual research. We have explained each of them in detail below:

1. Cannot use conventional measurement and analysis tools

2. Conducted through the sixth sense or extrasensory perception (ESP)

3. Spiritual dimension is just as systematic and logical as that of the physical world

4. Knowledge obtained in a ready-made format from the Universal Mind and Intellect

5. Spiritual research is not dependent on time or place

6. Needs to be under the guidance of a spiritually evolved guide

2.1 Cannot use conventional measurement and analysis tools

When one wants to research the subtle-world, one cannot use conventional measurement and analysis tools. Just as we cannot use a measuring tape to measure oneā€™s intellect, so also we cannot use physical, psychological or intellectual methods to understand or explore the spiritual realm. This is because of the simple reason that by definition the spiritual dimension is that, which is beyond the understanding of the five senses, mind and intellect.

2.2 Conducted through the sixth sense or extrasensory perception (ESP)

Spiritual research can only be undertaken with the means of an advanced sixth sense (ESP).

We are familiar with gaining knowledge through the media of the five sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue), mind and intellect. This is the paradigm in which we conduct traditional research of modern sciences. However only about 2% of the spiritual dimension is understood by the medium of the five sense organs (eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue), mind and intellect. 98% of knowledge can be perceived only through our subtle-sense organs. Our subtle-sense is commonly known as our sixth sense or ESP. Spiritual research can only be conducted with the help of a highly activated sixth sense (ESP). To experience the all-encompassing world of the science of Spirituality, we have to develop our five subtle-sense organs, subtle-mind and subtle-intellect.

What is not spiritual research:

The following will give you a feel for what is not spiritual research:

  • Trying to verify the authenticity of a religious artefact by using carbon dating technologies.
  • Ascertaining through modern science research methodologies the co-relation between religious practice and some sociological or psychological transformation.
  • Trying to verify whether a place is haunted through advanced technological equipment.

In all these instances, one is trying to measure and understand the spiritual realm with modern sciences. This is known as research and not spiritual research. The ability to measure and understand the spiritual realm with modern sciences is so severely restricted that it compromises the accuracy or effectiveness of the analysis.

2.3 Spiritual dimension is just as systematic and logical as that of the physical world

When modern science, for example investigated the cause of Jaundice, it came to the conclusion that one of the causes was infection. They investigated further and found out that the infection was due to the Hepatitis virus. Further they found that there were various types of the Hepatitis virus like Hepatitis A, Hepatitis B etc. In this way, the finer analysis of causes of ailments and problems are being investigated. But the deeper or deepest causes are known only with the help of the science of Spirituality, i.e. spiritual research.

Through our spiritual research, we have found that the root cause of a problem can be either in the physical, psychological or spiritual realm. Up to 80% of our problems in life have their root cause in the spiritual realm. Quite often when we see a tragedy occur we hear the phrase, ā€˜Its Godā€™s willā€™. However the root cause behind tragedies such as natural disasters or airplane crashes are primarily in the spiritual realm that in our ignorance we attribute to ā€˜Godā€™s willā€™. We have elaborated on these spiritual reasons in our article on the ā€˜Spiritual root causes of difficulties in lifeā€™.

2.4 Knowledge obtained in a ready-made format from the Universal Mind and Intellect

The knowledge of even the most knowledgeable person has limitations. On the other hand, God who is Omniscient knows everything about everything. This is why people from every walk of life and any nationality, experience inspiration after praying following a severe block in thinking or analysis. Many have experienced being miraculously saved from dangerous or fatal accidents after a prayer. The Universal Mind and Intellect is Godā€™s mind and intellect. After one develops their sixth sense (ESP) through spiritual practice beyond a certain point one is able to get unrestricted access to the Universal Mind and Intellect.

All knowledge on this website has been obtained or verified from the Universal Mind and Intellect.

2.5 Spiritual research is not dependent on time or place

As the knowledge is received from the Universal Mind and Intellect one does not need to travel to any place to do the research. Also it is not dependent on the time of the event. Whether a specific event happened many centuries ago or is to happen in the future, the nature of the incident and its contributing factors can still be ascertained.

It is for this reason we have been able to publish articles such as ā€˜Spiritual research on the spiritual life of Nostradamusā€™. Such articles give unique information that is not of the current time or place.

2.6 Needs to be under the guidance of a spiritually evolved guide

Perhaps the most important point in spiritual research is that any spiritual research team needs to be led by a person at the spiritual level of a Saint or a Guru.

On a scale of 0-100, if merging with God (which is the ultimate in any spiritual path) is 100%, then most people in todayā€™s world are at the 20%-25% spiritual level. Only when one through spiritual practice attains a spiritual level of above 70%, can he/she be called a spiritual guide or a Saint. These evolved beings can access the Universal Mind and Intellect and be absolutely sure that they are not being misguided by subtle-bodies or entities. In simple terms, achieving the spiritual level of a Saint is like reaching the higher stages in spiritual growth. This is akin to being a Nobel laureate in a certain field in worldly life.

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